- 2.3L Ford
Marine master engine rebuild kits and Marine engine rebuild
1985-93 2.3L OHC Ford single plug
master engine rebuild kit Fel Pro w/performance head gasket
& brass freeze plugs F140LLMK.M $729.22.
- 2.5L 1962-70
& other years Chevrolet Marine
Need to know if the oil pan has a 1-piece gasket or 4-piece gaskets.
- 2.5L/153 cu. in. 4-cyl. master engine rebuild kit CH153MK.M
- 2.5L/153 cu. in. 4-cyl. engine rebuild kit CH153EK.M $482.01
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set CH153RRP.M $313.73
- 2.5L Chevrolet Marine master engine rebuild kit
1962-70 and other years Chevy (Mercruiser) 2.5L 153. cu. in.
This is a custom kit for marine: master engine rebuild kit.
$698.14 (updated 08/16). This kit includes: pistons, wrist pins,
cast rings, main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass
freeze plugs, marine gasket set, camshaft, lifters, timing set,
and oil pump. Need to know if the oil pan has a 1-piece gasket
or 4-piece gaskets.
- 3.0L/181 cu. in.
1980-92 and later 4 cyl. Mercruiser Marine & Industrial
(specify rod bearings - small J. or large J.)
(does not include intake manifold gasket)
Flat top pistons or dished pistons
- 3.0L/181 cu.in. OHV 4 master engine rebuild kit CH181MK $893.52
- 3.0L/181 cu.in. OHV 4 engine rebuild kit CH181EK
- 3.7L 1970-00 Mercury
Marine 4 cylinder (460 head)
Ring set is for 8 cylinders - use 1/2 and discard extras.
Includes camshaft w/cam driven water pump only
- 1970-00 4 cyl. marine master engine rebuild kit F470MK $969.68
- 1970-00 4 cyl. marine engine rebuild kit F470EK $969.68
- 218. /230 cu. in.
1949/ 1934-54 Flat Head engine
car. & Truck - Industrial and Marine
Does not include: camshaft or lifters (N/A).
- 6. cylinder master engine rebuild kit CR230MK $1,330.67
This kit includes: pistons, wrist pins, rings, main bearings,
rod bearings, cam bearings, freeze plugs, complete gasket set,
wrist pin bushings, timing kit and oil pump. engine rebuild kit
CR230EK $1,147.74
- The Re-ring kit is $463.49 - This kit includes: gasket set,
main bearings,
rod bearings, and rings
- 4.1L/250 cu.
in. 1966-84 Chevrolet Mercruiser Marine
master engine rebuild kit $622.38
This kit includes: pistons, wrist pins, rings, main bearings,
rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs, FelPro marine
head gasket set, FelPro marine bottom end gasket set, camshaft,
lifters, timing set and oil pump. We will need to know if the
engine has a non-integrated cylinder head, or integrated cylinder
- 4.1L/250/ cu. in. L6 master engine rebuild kit CH250MK.M
- 4.1L/250 cu. in. L6 engine rebuild kit CH250EK.M $459.23
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and FelPro marine upper & lower gasket set CH250RRP.M $312.60
- 4.3L 1985-86 OMC Chevy V6
w/flat top or dished pistons, no balance shaft, 1-piece rear
seal, 1-piece oil pan gasket
- master engine rebuild kit marine $685.57 w/cast rings CH262MK.M
- master engine rebuild kit marine $725.62 w/moly rings CH262MK.M
- 4.3L 1987-95 V6 OMC & Mercruiser
master engine rebuild kit marine $860.79 to $878.00 depending
on year. (CH262LMK.M 1987-90 or CH262LZMK.M 1991-95)
This kit includes: either flat top or dished pistons, wrist pins,
cast rings, Clevite main & rod bearings, cam bearings, brass
freeze plugs, FelPro marine gasket set (upper & lower), camshaft,
roller lifters, timing set, and Melling oil pump.
We need to know the engine code is T or not (located by the water
pump on the block on later years). We need to know if the oil
pan gasket is one piece or 4 piece. And if the rear seal is a
one piece (in a circle) or two piece (2 halves). The price is
the same.
- Either kit above less camshaft and roller lifters is less
- 4.3L 1987-92
Marine (roller cam)
- 4.3L/262 c.i. V6 master engine rebuild kit CH262LMK.M $1095.10
- 4.3L/262 c.i. V6 engine rebuild kit CH262LEK.M $670.57
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set CH262LRRP.M $450.90
- less camshaft and roller lifters is less -$233.79
- We need to know if the oil pan gasket is one piece or 4 piece.
And if the rear seal is a one piece (in a circle) or two piece
(2 halves)
- 4.3L 1993-95
Marine w/ & w/o balance shaft
Specify if engine ID starts with 'T' or not. ID is by the water
pump. w/roller lifters. Non-Vortec.
- 4.3L/262 c.i. V6 master engine rebuild kit CH262LZMK.M
- 4.3L/262 c.i. V6 engine rebuild kit CH262LZEK.M $708.47
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set CH262LZRRP.M $483.42
- less camshaft and roller lifters is less -$233.79
- We need to know the engine code is T or not (located by the
water pump
on the block on later years).
We need to know if the oil pan gasket is one piece or 4 piece.
And if the rear seal is a one piece (in a circle) or two piece
(2 halves).
The price is the same.

Fel Pro Marine Head Gasket Set for engines w/balance shaft
- 4.3L 1992-95
Marine w/Roller cam Chevy V6
Vortec w/balance shaft
Does not include bal. shaft bearing or bushing.
Specify if engine ID starts with 'T' or not. ID is by the water
- 4.3L/262 c.i. V-6 Marine master engine rebuild kit CH262LLWMK.M
- 4.3L/262 c.i. V-6 engine rebuild kit CH262LLWEK.M $602.02
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set CH262LLRRP.M $345.21
This kit includes: hypereutectic pistons, wrist pins, premium
rings, main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings (need to know
if engine code is 'T' or not - code in by the water pump) (does
not include balance shaft bearings), brass freeze plugs included,
FelPro marine head gasket set and marine bottom end set (does
not include head bolts), camshaft, roller lifters, timing set
(does not include balance shaft gears), and Melling oil pump
The part number and price for the balance shaft bearings are:
balance shaft bearing BCA 106L $17.53 (out of stock) or balance
shaft bushing. F/M 3204DR $15.66 (in stock)
- The part number and price for the head bolts are 38-125 $47.70
- 4.3L 1996-07
Mercruiser Chevy V6
(w/balance shaft) Vortec engine
- master engine rebuild kit CH262LXMK.M (marine) $985.11
The parts below are for the 4.3L marine V6 that has balance shaft
in the engine. The marine master engine rebuild kit price is
$932.68 plus $18.00 shipping if all parts are shipped from the
same location. This kit includes: hypereutectic pistons, wrist
pins, premium rings, main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings
(need to know if engine code is 'T' or not) (does not include
balance shaft bearings), brass freeze plugs included , FelPro
marine head gasket set and marine bottom end set (does not include
head bolts), camshaft, roller lifters, timing set (does not include
balance shaft gears), and Melling oil pump included. Does not
include plastic timing cover if equipped.
- The part number and price for the plastic timing cover is
500262 $52.65 extra.
The part number and price for the balance shaft bearings are:
balance shaft bearing BCA 106L $17.53 (out of stock) or balance
shsft bushing. F/M 3204DR $15.66 (in stock)
- The part number and price for the balance shaft gears is
2555S $84.17 85.71 85.71.
- The part number and price for the head bolts is 38-125 $47.70
- 289/
1968 Ford Marine
- 1964-68 V-8 - Marine master engine rebuild kit F289MK.M $743.99
- 1964-68 V-8 - Marine engine rebuild kit F289EK.M $581.67
- Marine Re-ring kit - includes: rings, main bearings, rod
bearings, and gasket set F389RRP.M $425.38
- 5.0L/305.
cu. in. Chevrolet V8 1987-95 Marine w/hyd. lifers (non-roller)
w/steel timing cover, w/1-piece rear main seal, w/Center bolt
design valve covers; w/1-piece oil pan gasket
- master engine rebuild kit - Marine CH305TMK.M $782.85
- engine rebuild kit CH305TEK.M $655.77
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set CH305TRRP.M $473.39
- 5.0L/305.
cu. in. Chevrolet V-8 1987-93 Marine w/roller cam
w/steel timing cover, w/1-piece rear main seal, w/Center bolt
design valve covers; w/1-piece oil pan gasket
- master engine rebuild kit - car. w/roller cam CH305LRMK.M
- engine rebuild kit - CH305LREK.M $646.35
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set CH305LRRRP.M $471.84
- 5.0L/305
cu. in. 96/02 V-8 Vortec Marine
Need to know if the engine has a plastic timing cover or metal.
w/steel timing cover, w/1-piece rear main seal, w/Center bolt
design valve covers; w/1-piece oil pan gasket
- master engine rebuild kit - car. w/roller cam CH305MMK.M
- engine rebuild kit - CH305MEK.M $736.22
- Re-ring kit, includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set CH305MRRP.M $461.30
- 5.7L/350
V8 1969-85 350. Chevrolet reverse rotation Marine Chris Craft,
master engine rebuild kit Custom kit $1025.61
plus $18.00 shipping if all parts are shipped from the same location.
This kit includes: pistons, wrist pins, ring, main bearings,
rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs, marine upper
and lower FelPro gasket set, reverse rotation marine camshaft,
lifters, timing gears (for reverse rotation), reverse rotation
front and rear seal, and oil pump.
- 5.7L/350 V8 1967-86
Chevrolet Marine
The part number and price for the marine master engine
rebuild kit is
CH350MMK $688.58 (1986 1-piece rear seal or 1967-85 2-piece rear
seal) plus $18.00 shipping if all parts are shipped from the
same location.
This kit includes: flat top or dished pistons, wrist pins, moly
rings, main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze
plugs, Fel Pro marine gasket set (need to know if 2-piece rear
seal or 1-piece rear seal), camshaft*, lifters, timing set, and
oil pump.
You can change the camshaft to a dual energy Competition Cams
camshaft for $107.04 extra (= $795.62). RPM range is 1200-5500.
- 5.7L/350 V8
1987-95 Chevrolet Marine
master engine rebuild kit with valve covers that bolt
around the edge, 1-piece real seal, 1-piece oil pan gasket, steel
timing cover on engine, with cast rings, w/hypereutectic pistons
(not flat top) or flat top pistons . (non-plastic timing cover).
This kit includes: hypereutectic pistons, wrist pins, cast rings,
main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs,
FelPro Marine head set & bottom end set, camshaft, lifters
(non-roller), timing set, and Melling oil pump (either 5/8"
or 3/4" inlet).
- 5.7L/350 V8 1987-95 reverse rotation Chevrolet Marine
master engine rebuild kit CH350LTMK,
Marine $1097.91 with valve covers that bolt around the
edge or center bolt valve covers, 1-piece real seal, 1-piece
oil pan gasket, steel timing cover on engine, with cast rings,
dished pistons or flat top pistons- $1097.91. (non-plastic timing
cover). This kit includes: pistons, wrist pins, cast rings, main
bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs,
FelPro head gasket set and bottom end gasket set, reverse rotation
camshaft, lifters, reverse rotation timing gears, reverse rotation
rear seal, reverse rotation front seal, and oil pump (either
5/8" or 3/4" inlet). The reverse rotation camshaft
is Melling 22125 $370.30 .4005" intake lift w/1.5 rocker
arms. .4095" exhaust lift w/1.5 rocker arms. 202. degrees
intake duration @.050" lift. 213. degrees exhaust duration
@.050" lift.
- 5.7L/350 V8
1992 $15.58 & later Chevrolet Marine
with center bolt valve covers, 1-piece rear seal, 1-piece
oil pan gasket, hyd. lifters (non-roller), with moly rings, with
steel timing cover on engine, w/flat top or dished pistons -
custom kit - $738.84. With Competition Cams dual energy or extreme
marine cam $859.16.
- This kit includes: flat top or dished pistons, wrist pins,
moly rings, main & rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze
plugs, Marine gasket set, camshaft, lifters, timing set, and
Melling oil pump. (If your engine has the plastic timing cover
then the part number and price for the plastic timing cover is
500350 $29.80 and must be replaced).
- We will need to know if your engine has the .40"/.41"
tooth width timing set or the .275"/.285" tooth width
timing set. We also need to know if the oil pump has a 5/8"
inlet or 3/4" inlet (oil screen tube size).
- The specs. on the extreme marine Competition Cams camshaft
is HYDRAULIC - Good for inboard/outboard pleasure boat, skiing
and good economy. Hyd. Hyd. 1000. to 5000 $21.75 RPM 12-232-3
XM256H 256 262 (212 218. @.050") .447 .462 lift 112°
- The specs. for the dual energy cam is HYDRAULIC - Strong
torque and mileage. Excellent RV and towing cam. Smooth idle.
Hyd. Hyd. 1200. to 5500. RPM 12-207-249 255DEH 255. 261 203 $16.38
212 $10.45 (@.050") .421 .451 lift 110. °
- The kit above with hyd. roller camshaft & roller lifters
is $1238.63. The hyd. roller camshaft specs. are: intake .414
lift, duration @ .050 is 191, advertised duration is 261
w/111 center line on both intake & exhaust. Exhaust .428
lift, duration @ .050 lift is 194, advertised duration
is 263. Both are specs. w/1.5 ratio rocker arms. The specs. change
with 1.52 or 1.6 ratio rocker arms.
- 5.7L/350 cu.
in. 1996-02 Marine - Vortec
5.7L 1996-02 (and possibly later) 350. Mercruiser
Vortec Chevrolet Marine This is a custom kit $1383.50.
This kit includes: dish (.100") hypereutectic pistons, wrist
pins, premium rings, main bearings,
rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs, Marine gasket
set (w/1-piece oil pan gasket, for plastic timing cover, center
bolt valve coves), camshaft, roller lifters, timing set, and
oil pump. This kit may also fit up to 2005. but we can not confirm
all the parts are correct!!!! The part number and price for
the plastic timing cover is 500350 $29.80 w/sensor or 500350WO
$31.23 w/o sensor $44.54.
- 351W Ford 1987-93 Marine with one piece oil pan gasket
or 4 piece oil pan gasket
351W - V-8 master engine rebuild kit (non-roller) $767.78.
This kit includes: pistons, wrist pins, cast rings, main bearings,
rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs, FelPro Marine
upper and lower complete gasket set, camshaft, lifters, timing
set and Melling oil pump. The kit less camshaft & lifters
is -$110.13.
- 7.4L/454 V8
1971-90 Gen IV Chevrolet Marine
w/oval port heads & 2-piece rear seal & 4 piece oil pan
454 Gen IV - V-8 master engine rebuild kit CH454.M $914.13. (With
rectangular port cylinder heads $924.13). This kit includes:
either flat top or dished pistons, wrist pins, cast rings, main
bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs, Marine
Fel Pro upper & lower gasket set, stock camshaft, lifters,
double roller H.D. timing set and Melling oil pump.
- 454. 1971-90 V8 Gen IV Chevrolet Marine reverse rotation
w/oval port heads.
7.4L/454 cu. in.
71/90 Marine Reverse Rotation
- 454 Gen IV reverse rotation engine, master engine rebuild
kit $1350.16.
All parts for the reverse rotation engine.||
- CH454MK.MR $1350.16.
- 8 STERLING H661CP $74.62 Hypereutectic Cast Piston flat top
8 H518CP $87.24 Sterling Hypereutectic Pistons (x8) (Dished)
- 1 HASTING HA-683 $55.54 8-CYL CAST RING SET.
- 8 CLEVITE CLE-CB743P $9.71 Connecting Rod Bearing (x8).
- 1 CLEVITE CLE-MS829P $79.28 Main Bearing Set.
- 1 Dura Bond CH12 $28.52 CAM BEARING SET.
- 1 MELLING M77 $63.50 OIL PUMP.
- 16 HA817 $4.91 Tappets (x16) Lifters
- 1 MELLING 22218 $392.52 CAMSHAFT reverse rotation
- 1 FELPRO Marine FELP-17240 $267.06 HEAD GASKET SET.
- 1 FELPRO marine FELP-17140 $77.85 CONVERSION GSKT SET.
- 1 MPE102BR $28.56 Melling Automotive brass freeze plugs
- 1 Engine Pro 2532S $252.71 Engine Pro TIMING GEAR SET.
- Extra 17740 $104.84 reverse rotation 2-piece rear seal
- 7.4L454 V8 1991-97 Gen V Chevrolet Marine
w/oval port heads & 1-piece rear seal & 1 piece oil pan
gasket in kit
- 454 Gen V - V-8 master engine rebuild kit with roller lifters
This kit includes: pistons, wrist pins, moly rings, main bearings,
rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs, Marine FelPro
upper and lower gasket set, roller lifters, timing set, and oil
pump. W/camshaft $1262.69. Updated 05/15
According to FelPro Gen IV is 1990 and earlier, Gen V is 1991-97
and Gen VI is 1998 $12.18 and later Marine engines
- 7.4L/454 V8 Gen IV Chevrolet Bravo I w/rectangular port
- 454 V-8 w/2-piece real seal marine master rebuild kit $1385.21
This kit includes: SRP forged flat top piston (for 6.385"
length connecting rod), wrist pins, Speed Pro plasma moly rings,
main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs,
Fel Pro upper and lower marine gasket set, Cloyes true roller
timing set, and Melling oil pump.
- Scat forged steel stoker crankshaft 4-454-4250-6385
$904.80. (4.250" stroke)
- H-beam steel 6.385" length connecting rods 10-454HB635-8
- Competition Cams roller tip rocker arms 1411-16 $194.74.
- Competition Cams wear plate (for camshaft) 203 $16.38.
- Competition Cams thrust bearing (for camshaft)3110TB $15.93.
- Competition Cams hyd. roller camshaft for marine 11-445-8,
hyd. roller lifters 854-16 = $916.79 for the camshaft and lifters.
- Dart cast iron rectangular port complete cylinder heads
(Iron Eagle) 15100112 $1949.68 (with 2.250" intake valve,
1.880" exhaust valves, dual springs, retainers, locks, screw
in studs, 3/8" guide plates, etc. - assembled. (for both
- 7.4L/454 cu.
in. 96/01 Marine V-8 roller cam GEN VI
- 7.4L/454 c.i. V8 marine master engine rebuild kit CH454LRTMK.M
- 7.4L/454 c.i. V8 marine engine rebuild kit CH454LRTEK.M $821.38
- Re-ring kit marine , includes: rings, main bearings, rod
bearings, and marine gasket set CH454LRTRRP.M $525.64
- 7.5L/460 V8 Ford Marine = master engine rebuild kit
F460MK $1,131.91.
This kit includes: hypereutectic pistons, wrist pins, cast rings,
main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze plugs,
Marine FelPro head gasket set & bottom end gasket set, camshaft,
lifters, timing set and oil pump.
- 7.5L/460 V-8
1968-85 Marine
Specify if oil pump is push in screen or bolt
on screen Performance design head gskts. incl.; Premium valve
stem seals incl. Std. rotation; w/Two-piece rear main bearing
seal & One-piece oil pan gskt.; PermaDry® molded rubber
oil pan gskt. incl. (4-piece oil pan gaskets available)
- 1968-6/28//85 - master engine rebuild kit F460MK $1,131.91
- 1968-6/28/85 - engine rebuild kit F460EK $815.51
- Re-ring kit - includes: rings, main bearings, rod bearings,
and gasket set F460RRP $405.32
- 8.2L/502. cu.in.
1970-2000 V-8 Marine w/roller cam, with K/B pistons
This kit includes: Flat top or domed pistons, wrist pins, premium
rings, main bearings, rod bearings, cam bearings, brass freeze
plugs, marine FelPro upper & lower gasket set, timing set,
and Melling oil pump. master engine rebuild kit CH502MK
$1,589.98 does not include: camshaft or lifters
Lifters are available separately
Pistons are available in .004" (4.470""), .034"
(4.500"), .064" (4.530"), .100" (4.566")
and .134" (4.600") over bore.
Example: Gen V w/EFI, w/flat top pistons:
CH502MK $1,589.98 Marine Master engine rebuild kit
This kit includes:
- 1 Keith Black 034 KB173 $98.42 KB Hypereutectic Piston Set
Shipped from Phoenix, AZ
- 8 CLEVITE CLE-CB743P $9.71 Connecting Rod Bearings
- 1 CLEVITE CLE-MS829P $79.28 Main Bearing Set
- 1 ENGINE PRO 3137 $111.27 Timing Set
- 1 MELLING M77 $63.50 PUMP-OIL
- The standard bore of the 502 is 4.466" So the pistons
are .034" which puts
the bore at 4.500". So the rings are .030 Hastings Race
rings at 4.500" bore.
- Available with SRP Forged small dome pistons extra 4.5"
bore (.034" over size)