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Mazda Master Engine Rebuild
or Overhaul Kits and Parts
Mazda engine rebuild kit with affordable prices
from RPM Protégé, GCL-RWD, GCL FWD, 323, Tracer, MX3, Miata, MX5, B1800, car $8.89 & truck, Protege5, 626, B2000, MX6, B2200, B2300, MPV, Millenia, B2600, B2600i, 929, B3000, B4000 |
69 E. 580 N.
Santaquin, Utah 84655
1-801-754-5338 or Toll free 1-866-700-5877
Hours 9-5 Monday-Friday |
Engine Rebuild Kits and Parts Online |
Master engine rebuild kits for Protege, GLC, 323, MX3,
Miata, MX5, 626, pickup, B2000, Tribute, Mazda3, B2200, MX6,
Millenia, B2300, Mazda5, Mazda6, CX7, B2500, MPV, B2600 G54B,
B2600i G6, 929, B3000, CX-9m Navajo, B4000, All engine rebuild kits are offered with standard size or oversized pistons and std. size or oversize main & rod bearings and the cost of the kit is the same price. Also see Crankshaft Kits for Mazda and other import and domestic crankshafts with bearings. Also see engine rebuild kits and individual
parts from Topline at Mazda Topline Tables show parts in each kit and related
parts. If you do not see what you need, just
Scroll down to your engine and year to see part numbers &
prices. Fill out the Order Form or
Prices have changed on master kits & engine kits which varies because of different parts & options & for different years!!!! |
See the tables below for each kit contents and related parts. If you do not see what you need, just
Prices have changed on master kits & engine kits which varies because of different parts & options & for different years!!!! |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19810 $351.83 (w/ 1.062 Snout) |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA19 $11.19 Topline Automotive (x8) (27.7mm x 92.3mm x 5.5mm) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA19 $16.20 Topline Automotive (x8) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA19 $6.09 Topline Automotive (x16) (Int & Exh) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA19 $84.49 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt. HA-2C4919
$58.74 Hastings Note 2: Not incl Head Bolts use HBMA19 $70.17 Topline Note 3: Reclaimed avail use (Exh) CAMMA19E ; (Int) CAMMA19I Topline Note 4: Not incl use (x16) LIFMA19 $17.01 Topline |
1.6L/1597cc 1986-94
323,Tracer exc Turbo OHC-4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19650 $441.70 (85/90 .865 snout w/4 Counterweights) CS-19850 $456.70 (91/95 1.063 snout dia.) CS-16260 $468.70 (88/90 w/.865 snout w/8 Counterweights) |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
RV35038 $7.39 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (86/92 1.496 x 4.079 x .276 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
RX35040 $7.522 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (86/92 1.259 x 4.039 x .275 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VG1141CI $3.56 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (86/92) 140-8205 $4.01 E-Loy Engine Parts (x8) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA9 $84.49 Topline Automotive (x4) (86/92) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL618 $34.82 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt. HA-4265 $50.56 or HA-2M4265 $97.52 Hastings, 51396CP $84.21 or 41396CP $61.85 PC or E350X $36.51 or E350KC $41.20 Sealed Power |
1.6L/1597cc 1990-93
B6/ 16V DOHC
Miata & MX5. DOHC4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19850 $456.70 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA14 $10.14 Topline Automotive (x8) (29.5mm x 104mm x 6mm) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA9T $16.76 Topline Automotive (x8) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA13 $6.33 Topline Automotive (x16) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA13 $88.69 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt.(w/4.0MM oil ring) HA-4265 $50.56 or HA-2M4265 $97.52
Hastings, 51396CP $84.21 or 41396CP $61.85 PC, E350X $36.51 or
E350KC $41.20 Sealed Power Note 2: Not incl use LIFMA13 $18.27 (x16) Topline |
1.8L/1839cc 1990-94
Protégé, MX5, Miata OHC-4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CSMA11 $361.85 Topline Automotive (Match Oil Pump Casting w/BPO1) CS-19860 $456.56 (.865 snout dia.) CSMA11L $213.39 Topline Automotive (w/B6S8 Casting) CS-19940 $511.56 (1.063 snout dia.) |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA11 $10.62 Topline Automotive (x8) (30mm x 101.8mm x 6mm) RV9525 $10.54 ITM Engine Parts (x8) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA11 $18.76 Topline Automotive (x8) RX9529 $14.20 ITM Engine Parts (x8) |
Valve Springs |
VS1006 $15.69 ITM Engine Parts (x16) |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA13 $6.33 Topline Automotive (x16) VG1214CI $4.10 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Int) VG1215CI $4.99 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Exh) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA14 $79.90 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL803 $33.15 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt HA-4651 $90.45 or HA-2C4651 $110.34 Hastings, 41608 $92.09 PC, 021-6237 $63.54 ITM |
1.8L/1839cc 1990-98
Mazda "BP" DOHC 16V
Fuel Injected
Protege, MX5, Miata DOHC4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19860 $456.56 (91/99 .865 snout dia. 4 CWT) CS-19940 $511.56 (91/99 1.063 snout dia. 4 CWT) CS-19861 $456.56 (91/99 .865 snout dia. 8 CWT) CS-19941 $511.56 (91/99 1.063 snout dia. 8 CWT) |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
RV9525 $10.54 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (90/96) IVMA13 $19.49 Topline Automotive (x8) (91/96) 10234 $12.72 E-Loy Engine Parts (x8) (90/96 1.298 x 3.990 x .2352 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
RX9529 $14.20 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (90/96) EVMA13 $16.84 Topline Automotive (x8) (91/96) 10235 $20.50 E-Loy Engine Parts (x8) (90/96 1.103 x 3.997 x .2350 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
VS1006 $15.69 ITM Engine Parts (x16) (90/96) |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VG1214CI $4.10 ITM Engine Parts (x12) (90/96 Int) 140-8173 $3.66 E-Loy Engine Parts (x12) (90/96 Int) VG1215CI $4.99 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (90/96 Exh) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA9 $84.49 Topline Automotive (x4) (91/96 Tracer, Escort) CRMA13 $88.69 Topline Automotive (x4) (90/96 Protege, Miata, w/BP05) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL830 $33.17 Melling Automotive (x4) (90/96) |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt. 41608 $92.09 PC, E615KC $201.82
Sealed Power, 021-6237 $63.54 ITM Note 2: Not incl. 056-5134 $8.98 (x16) ITM |
1.8L/1839cc 1999-00
FP Engine Protégé DOHC4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-16450 $496.72 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA17 $11.08 Topline Automotive (x8) (31.3mm x 90mm x 6mm) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA17 $14.87 Topline Automotive (x8) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA17 $6.06 Topline Automotive (x16) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA23 $84.25 Topline Automotive |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
1.8L/1839cc 1999-05
BP engine Miata MX5, DOHC4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19941 $511.56 Kits (MAZ1840L1) |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA13 $19.49 Topline Automotive (x8) (99/00 33mm x 102mm x 6mm) IVMA13M $13.05 Topline Automotive (x8) (01/05) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA13 $16.84 Topline Automotive (x8) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
IVGMA13L $5.60 Topline Automotive (x8) (Intake) EVGMA13L $7.25 Topline Automotive (x8) (Exhaust) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA13 $88.69 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt. HA-4651 $90.45 or HA-2C4651 $110.34 Hastings, 41608 $92.09 PC, 021-6237 $63.54 ITM |
2.0L1970cc/ 1979-81
Pass, Truck, B2000. incl Courier
MA Engine exc Calif OHC-4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-15890 $424.59 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
RV8702 $7.84 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.654 x 4.260 x .315 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
RX8701 $11.50 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.299 x 4.205 x .315 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
RV1115 $2.59 Pioneer Products (x8) (Inner) RV1114 $3.90 Pioneer Products (x8) (Outer) VS1421 $5.37 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Outer) |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VG969CI $3.56 ITM Engine Parts (x8) VG905CI $3.47 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (78/79 w/Stepped Guide) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA7 $64.71 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL800 $60.32 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
MS346G 8.07 Micro Sleeve Company, Inc. (R. Crank) |
Note 1: Opt. HA-2C6141 $92.92 Hastings, 41441 $82.57 PC, E409KC $81.59 Sealed Power |
2.0L/1970cc 1982-84
Pass & Truck incl Courier
MA Engine exc Calif OHC-4
Delete Pistons Master Kit |
Delete Pistons Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-15890 $424.59 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
RV8702 $7.84 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.654 x 4.260 x .315 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
RX8701 $11.50 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.299 x 4.205 x .315 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
RV1114 $3.90 Pioneer Products (x8) (79/83 Outer) RV1115 $2.59 Pioneer Products (x8) (79/83 Inner) VS1421 $5.37 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Inner) |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VG969CI $3.56 ITM Engine Parts (x8) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA7 $64.71 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL800 $60.32 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt. HA-2C6155 $62.01 Hastings, 41353 $69.88 PC, E612KC $62.90 Sealed Power |
2.0L/1991cc 1993-03
Mazda FS
2.0L DOHC 16V Probe
and MX6 DOHC4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
4228 $20.61 ITM Engine Parts | ||||||||||||
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-16250 $446.72 (93/00) CSMA17L $207.05 Topline Automotive (95/00) CSMA17 $207.57 Topline Automotive (93/94) CS-96250 $446.72 (93/00 "STEEL") |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA17 $11.08 Topline Automotive (x8) (93/00) RV9548 $14.18 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (93/00) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA17 $14.87 Topline Automotive (x8) (93/00) RX9548 $17.32 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (93/00) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA17 $6.06 Topline Automotive (x16) (93/00) VG1217CI $4.66 ITM Engine Parts (x16) (93/00) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA17 $80.28 Topline Automotive (x4) (93/00) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt HA-2C4749
$88.70 Hastings, 021-6546 $87.39 ITM Note 2: Not Incl Head Bolts use ES74020 $50.80 FelPro or HBMA17 $92.36 Topline-Replacement Recommended Note 3: Not Incl Lifters use LIFMA13 $18.27 (x16) Topline or 056-5134 $8.98 (x16) ITM |
2.0L/1998cc 1983-87
FE Engine
626, B2000. Pick-Up OHC-4
Master Kit Delete oil pump $425.39 Delete oill pump & camshaft $314.20 |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19890 $456.22 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
RV9320 $9.95 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.732 x 4.4060 x .3170 -1
grv) 10236 $7.43 E-Loy Engine Parts (x4) (1.732 x 4.4060 x .3170 -1 grv) S2436 $7.38 Engine Pro Valves (x4) (1.732 x 4.4060 x .3170 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
RX9313 $11.29 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.418 x 4.3990 x .3160 -1
grv) 10237 $10.46 E-Loy Engine Parts (x4) (1.418 x 4.3990 x .3160 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
VS1172 $10.38 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Outer) VS1171 $7.76 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Inner) |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VG1169CI $3.86 ITM Engine Parts (x8) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA8 $66.81 Topline Automotive (x4) (Frg.# FE) CRMA8L $100.71 Topline Automotive (x4) (85/87 Frg.# FH) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL860 $38.08 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt. HA-2C4219
$55.80 Hastings, 41576CP $63.49 PC, E542KC $149.25 Sealed Power Note 2: not included PAMA8 $82.44 Topline x4 |
2.2L/2184cc 1988-92
626, MX6, Probe OHC-4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19910 $492.67 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
RV35040 $10.49 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (1.259 x 4.043 x .275 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
RX35042 $14.17 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.339 x 4.570 x .275 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
VS1029 $11.48 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Int) VS1009 $25.33 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (Exh) |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA12 $4.87 Topline Automotive (x12) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA12 $96.69 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL860 $38.08 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt. HA-5664 $28.83 or HA-2M5664 $36.27 Hastings, 51576CP $49.08 or 41576CP $63.49 PC, E542KC $149.25 Sealed Power |
2.2L/2184cc 1987-93
Pickup F2 8 Valve OHC-4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19910 $492.67 (87/92) |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
10236 $7.43 E-Loy Engine Parts (x4) (1.732 x 4.4060 x .3170 -1
grv) S2436 $7.38 Engine Pro Valves (x4) (1.732 x 4.4060 x .3170 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
10237 $10.46 E-Loy Engine Parts (x4) (1.418 x 4.3990 x .3160
-1 grv) A2475 $9.67 Engine Pro Valves (x4) (1.418 x 4.3990 x .3160 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
VS1171 $7.76 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Inner) VS1172 $10.38 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (Outer) |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
140-8142 $3.80 E-Loy Engine Parts (x8) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
BP-812 $62.32 (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL615 $30.07 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
MS350 8.07 Micro Sleeve Company, Inc. (Balancer) MS347 $611.96 8.07 Micro Sleeve Company, Inc. (R. Crank) |
Note 1: Opt. HA-5664 $28.83 or HA-2M5664 $36.27 Hastings, 51576CP $49.08 or 41576CP $63.49 PC, E542KC $149.25 Sealed Power, RSMA8 $65.68 Topline |
2.2L/2184cc 1988-92
626, MX6, Probe OHC-4
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
$173.91 Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19910 $492.67 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
RV35040 $10.49 ITM Engine Parts (x8) (1.259 x 4.043 x .275 -1 grv) |
Exhaust Valves |
RX35042 $14.17 ITM Engine Parts (x4) (1.339 x 4.570 x .275 -1 grv) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA12 $4.87 Topline Automotive (x12) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA12 $96.69 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
CSL860 $38.08 Melling Automotive (x4) |
Balancer Sleeve |
MS350 8.07 Micro Sleeve Company, Inc. (Balancer) MS347 $611.96 8.07 Micro Sleeve Company, Inc. (R. Crank) |
Note 1: Opt. HA-5664 $28.83 or HA-2M5664 $36.27 Hastings, 51576CP $49.08 or 41576CP $63.49 PC, E542KC $149.25 Sealed Power, RSMA8 $65.68 Topline |
2.3L/2261cc 2003-08
MZR/L3 16 valve DOHC non turbo
A3S, A5, A6I, Mazda 3, Mazda 6,
DOHC4 L3X engine code Tribute
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-16700 $473.45 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA25 $13.20 Topline Automotive (x8) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA25 $15.95 Topline Automotive (x8) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA25 $6.20 Topline Automotive (x16) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
- |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Rear main seal not included use BS40689 $63.38 Fel Pro |
2.5L/2507cc 1993-02
KL Engine in 626, MX6, Millenia V-6
& Ford Probe
Master Kit |
MA2507EK $747.08 Engine Kit |
Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-16290 $480.16 (93/96) MAZ2496 CS-16190 $480.16 (96/00) MAZ2496-1 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA15 $9.87 Topline Automotive (x12) (32mm x 94.3mm x 6mm) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA15 $14.58 Topline Automotive (x12) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA17 $6.06 Topline Automotive (x24) (Int & Exh) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA15 $87.23 Topline Automotive (x6) (93/00) or 822 $59.28 B&P |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
MS350 8.07 Micro Sleeve Company, Inc. (93/00 Balancer) MS347 $611.96 8.07 Micro Sleeve Company, Inc. (93/00 R. Crank) |
Note 1: Opt. HA-4750 $90.14
or HA-2C4750 $102.52 Hastings, 41687 $142.46
PC or RSMA15 $79.28 Topline Note 2: Head Bolts not incl use 38-455 $63.46 Engine Pro or HBMA15 $129.90 Topline Note 3: Not incl use (LH int) CAMMA15IL $249.81 ; (RH int) CAMMA15IR $249.81 ; (LH exh) CAMMA15EL $249.81 ; (RH exh) CAMMA15ER $249.81 Topline (reclaimed) Note 4: Not incl use (626) (x24) LIFMA15S $12.15 ; (exc 626) (x24) LIFMA13 $18.27 Topline |
2.6L/2606cc 1989-94
MPV w/G6 SOHC 12 valve OHC-4
$900.26 w/Topline pistons & some other parts $1324.26 Master Kit |
MA2606EK $850.51 Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19870 $457.79 |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA16 $10.03 Topline Automotive (x8) (33.3mm x 112.6mm x 7mm) RV35041 $14.20 ITM Engine Parts (x8) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA16 $16.79 Topline Automotive (x4) RX35043 $14.20 ITM Engine Parts (x4) |
Valve Springs |
- |
Spring Shims |
- |
Valve Guides |
VGMA12 $4.87 Topline Automotive (x12) VG1017CI $3.78 ITM Engine Parts (x12) |
Push Rods |
- |
Rocker Arms |
- |
Oil Pump Screens |
- |
Connecting Rods |
CRMA16 $102.86 Topline Automotive (x4) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
- |
Balancer Sleeve |
- |
Note 1: Opt HA-2M4216
$42.63 Hastings, 41489CP $71.31 PC, E510KC $111.20 Sealed Power
Note 2: Not Incl: S781 $55.99 (bal sprkt-inner), S748 $100.07 (cam sprkt), S759 $41.23 (crank-inner), S761 $55.46 (crank-out), S787 $86.09 (idlr-blue & w/o paint), S789 $107.74 ) idlr-white), 2068 $128.62 (bal gear-r-w/o paint), 2069 $66.44 (bal-r-white paint), 2070 $68.77 (bal-right-blue paint) 7169 $22.04 (cam guide-left), 7170 $25.30 (cam guide-right) 7172 $17.35 (bal guide-l.left), 7171 $17.38 (bal guide-l.right), 7173 $36.41 (balanc guide-upper), 9168 $47.56 (adjuster) Engine Pro (Dynagear) |
Master Kit |
Engine Kit |
Re-Ring Kit |
Includes Matching Bearings |
CS-19930 $422.35 (1/2 wide oilpump drive) CS-16210 $467.34 (.660 wide oilpump drive) CS-16220 $467.34 (no oil pump drive) |
Related Parts
Intake Valves |
IVMA10 $11.54 Topline Automotive (x12) (33mm x 121.4mm x 7mm) RV35042 $17.32 ITM Engine Parts (x12) |
Exhaust Valves |
EVMA10 $9.65 Topline Automotive (x6) RX35044 $38.00 ITM Engine Parts (x6) |
Valve Springs |
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Spring Shims |
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Valve Guides |
VG1026CI $3.77 ITM Engine Parts (x12) (Int) IVGMA10 $7.19 Topline Automotive (x12) (Int) VG1027CI $3.78 ITM Engine Parts (x6) EVGMA10 $6.90 Topline Automotive (x6) |
Push Rods |
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Rocker Arms |
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Oil Pump Screens |
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Connecting Rods |
CRMA10 $97.77 Topline Automotive (x6) (88/93) CRMA18 $83.24 Topline Automotive (x6) (94/98) |
Cylinder Sleeves |
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Balancer Sleeve |
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Note 1: Opt. HA-2M4679
$108.36 Hastings, 41584 $115.91 PC, Note 2: Not incl. Head Bolts use 38-470 $63.46 Engine Pro |