Wisconsin Gas Engine Overhaul Kits

Connecting Rods, Oil pumps & Oil Coolers, Cam & Lifter Kits & Parts - Valve Train Kits & Parts
Good prices from RPM for Reliance Power Parts for gas and diesel engines

69 E. 580 N.
Santaquin, Utah 84655
1-801-754-5338 or Toll free 1-866-700-5877
Contact us anytime OR use your e-mail program and type in ron@rpmrons.com to send an e-mail with what you need

Hours 9-5 Monday-Friday Mtn. Time
Call toll free to purchase at: 1-866-700-5877 (U.S. only)


Engine Rebuild Kit and Parts Online Catalog.

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Good prices for quality diesel Overhaul Kits and parts Rod and main bearings come in std. size or oversizes Diesel Overhaul Kits for engines and machines Inframe Overhaul Kits and out of frame Overhaul Kits.

Inframe Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), Head gasket set and oil pan gasket

Overhaul Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), overhaul gaskets, front & rear crankshaft seals with wear sleeves (where used)

Most prices are current. Please
Contact us anytime OR use your e-mail program and type in ron@rpmrons.com to send an e-mail with what you need
Hours 9-5 Monday-Friday or call to confirm prices.

Oil Pumps & Oil Coolers --------

Connecting Rods & Parts --------

Valve Train Kits & Parts --------

Cam & Lifter Kits, Camshafts, Lifters

Wisconsin gas Overhaul Kits
Just click on the link with each engine to view the table with a better description of the parts.

TF / TFD / TH / THD / TJD (54 CID) Gas
Balers: John Deere 14T; New Holland 68, 166, 271, 272, 273, 310;
Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: New Holland L225;
Trenchers: Ditch Witch 2 cylinder; 3.250" bore
Note: TH, THD After 5472995; TJD
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP996219 $375.23
Premium Overhaul Kit RP997219 $580.95 includes valve train parts

VH4 / VH4D (108 CID) Gas
Balers; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders;
Windrowers 4 cylinder; 3.250" bore
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP996222 $701.21
Overhaul Kit RP997222 $1,020.51

VG4D (154 CID) Gas
Balers: John Deere 10, 216; New Holland 99, 278, 282, 285, 290, 320, 1290;
Forage Harvesters: Ford 605;
Gensets: Winpower; Industrial Applications;
Skid Loaders: International Harvester 3200A, 3200B; New Holland L35;
Trenchers: New Holland T550;
Windrowers: John Deere 780; New Holland 900, 903, 905, 1469; Bale
Wagons: New Holland 1035, 1045. 4 cylinder; 3.500" bore
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP996221 $593.46
Overhaul Kit RP997221 $629.60

V465D (177 CID) Gas
Balers: New Holland 25, 283, 286, 290, 320, 420, 425, 426, 430, 500, 505;
Industrial Applications;
Skid Loaders: New Holland L35, L775; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 4 cylinder;
3.750" bore, overhead valve
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP996223 $1,061.89
Overhaul Kit RP997223 $1,238.42

 Whatever your overhaul kit needs are, we can meet them, with multiple types of kit that can be further tailored to you, with your choice of bearing size. Many of these kits have the added benefit of higher compression or overbore cylinder kits to give your customer better starting or a boost in power.
Inframe Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), head gasket set and oil pan gasket

Overhaul Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), overhaul gaskets, front & rear crankshaft seals with wear sleeves (where used)

TF / TFD / TH / THD / TJD (54 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 14T; New Holland 68, 166, 271, 272, 273, 310; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: New Holland L225; Trenchers: Ditch Witch

2 cylinder; 3.250" bore

Note: TH, THD After 5472995; TJD

RP996219 $375.23 RP997219 $580.95
VH4 / VH4D (108 CID) Gas Balers; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders; Windrow­ers 4 cylinder; 3.250" bore RP996222 $701.21 RP997222 $1,020.51
VG4D (154 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 10, 216; New Holland 99, 278, 282, 285, 290, 320, 1290; Forage Harvesters: Ford 605; Gen­sets: Winpower; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: International Harvester 3200A, 3200B; New Holland L35; Trenchers: New Holland T550; Windrowers: John Deere 780; New Holland 900, 903, 905, 1469; Bale Wagons: New Holland 1035, 1045. 4 cylinder; 3.500" bore RP996221 $593.46 RP997221 $629.60
V465D (177 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 25, 283, 286, 290, 320, 420, 425, 426, 430, 500, 505; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: New Holland L35, L775; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 4 cylinder; 3.750" bore, overhead valve RP996223 $1,061.89 RP997223 $1,238.42

Oil Pumps & Oil Coolers
When rebuilding an engine, don’t
forget to make sure you have a new
or remanufactured oil pump to go
with your overhaul kit. Keep that
engine clean and cool with our oil
pumps and oil coolers.
 In This Section:
Oil pumps, oil pump tubes, oil coolers, oil cooler gaskets, oil filters, and oil filter gaskets


Your Cost
TF / TFD / TH / THD / TJD (54 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 14T; New Holland 68, 166, 271, 272, 273, 310; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: New Holland L225; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 2 cylinder, 3.250" bore - -
 Oil Pump  TH, THD After 5472995; TJD WKAA103 $547.59
VE4 / VE4D (92 CID) Gas Industrial Applications - 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore - -
Oil Pump   WK129AS2 #VALUE!
Oil Pump Drive Gear   WGD94C $95.66
Oil Pump Pickup Screen - WRD112 $5.75
Oil Filter Thru 3408749 WRV29 $31.34
Oil Filter After 3408749 WRV40 $36.74
VF4 / VF4D / VH4 / VH4D (108 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 114W, 116W; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: Bobcat 600; Welders: Lincoln DC250AS 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore - -
Oil Pump - WK129AS2 #VALUE!
Oil Pump Drive Gear - WGD94C $95.66
Oil Pump Pickup Screen - WRD112 $5.75
Oil Filter Thru 3408749 WRV29 $31.34
Oil Filter After 3408749 WRV40 $36.74
W4-1770 (108 CID) Gas Balers; Industrial Applications: Vermeer; Skid Loaders; Windrowers; Concrete Saws; Wood Chippers 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore - -
Oil Pump - WK129AS2 #VALUE!
Oil Pump Drive Gear - WGD94C $95.66
Oil Pump Pickup Screen - WRD112 $5.75
VG4D (154 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 10, 216; New Holland 99, 278, 282, 285, 290, 320, 1290; Forage Harvesters: Ford 605; Gensets: Winpower; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: Inter­national Harvester 3200A, 3200B; New Holland L35; Trenchers: New Holland T550; Windrowers: John Deere 780; New Holland 900, 903, 905, 1469; Bale Wagons: New Holland 1035, 1045. 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore - -
Oil Pump - WK129AS2 #VALUE!
Oil Pump Drive Gear - WGD94C $95.66
Oil Pump Pickup Screen - WRD112 $5.75
Oil Filter Thru 03/01/1962 WRV29 $31.34
Oil Filter After 03/01/1962 WRV40 $36.74
V460D / V461D (154 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 286, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1290; Industrial Appli­cations; Windrowers: New Holland 905, 907 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore, overhead valve - -
Oil Pump - WK130S2 $366.89 303.01
Oil Filter - WRV38 $17.40
V465D (177 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 25, 283, 286, 290, 320, 420, 425, 426, 430, 500, 505; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: New Holland L35, L775; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 4 cylinder, 3.750" bore, overhead valve
Oil Pump - WK130S2 $366.89 303.01
Oil Pump Drive Gear After 5075775 WGD94C $95.66
Oil Filter - WRV38 $17.40

Your Cost
TF / TFD / TH / THD / TJD (54 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 14T; New Holland 68, 166, 271, 272, 273, 310; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: New Holland L225; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 2 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Piston Pin Bushing .  WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut . WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Shim .002", Early WQA114 $1.24
Connecting Rod 1.750" pin, insert type, TH, THD Thru 5472995; TF, TFD; babbitt & insert rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA51CS1 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Connecting Rod 1.875" pin, insert type; casting DA-51-A, DA- 51-B, TH, THD After 5472995; TJD; babbitt & insert rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA68AS9 $216.77
VE4 / VE4D (92 CID) Gas Industrial Applications 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore
Piston Pin Bushing . WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut . WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Shim .002", Early WQA114 $1.24
Connecting Rod 1.750" pin, insert type, Late, babbitt & insert type rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA51CS1 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
VF4 / VF4D / VH4 / VH4D (108 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 114W, 116W; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: Bobcat 600; Welders: Lincoln DC250AS 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Piston Pin Bushing -  WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Shim .002", Early WQA114 $1.24
Connecting Rod 1.750" pin, insert type, Late, babbitt & insert type rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA51CS1 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
W4-1770 (108 CID) Gas Balers; Industrial Applications: Vermeer; Skid Loaders; Windrowers; Concrete Saws; Wood Chippers 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod 1.875" pin, insert type; casting DA-51-A, DA-51-B WDA68AS9 $216.77

Connecting Rods & Parts
We work to provide new connecting rods whenever possible, and remanufactured rods whenever new are not available.
Those remanufactured rods have new piston bushings and capscrews or bolts and nuts installed and both ends are resized to OEM specifications, making these remanufactured rods the closest thing to new.
In This Section:
Piston pin bushings, connecting rods and connecting rod bolts, nuts, washers, and adapter kits

Your Cost
TF / TFD / TH / THD / TJD (54 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 14T; New Holland 68, 166, 271, 272, 273, 310; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: New Holland L225; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 2 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Shim .002", Early WQA114 $1.24
Connecting Rod 1.750" pin, insert type, TH, THD Thru 5472995; TF, TFD; babbitt & insert rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA51CS1 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Connecting Rod 1.875" pin, insert type; casting DA-51-A, DA- 51-B, TH, THD After 5472995; TJD; babbitt & insert rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA68AS9 $216.77
VE4 / VE4D (92 CID) Gas Industrial Applications 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Shim .002", Early WQA114 $1.24
Connecting Rod 1.750" pin, insert type, Late, babbitt & insert type rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA51CS1 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
VF4 / VF4D / VH4 / VH4D (108 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 114W, 116W; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: Bobcat 600; Welders: Lincoln DC250AS 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Shim .002", Early WQA114 $1.24
Connecting Rod 1.750" pin, insert type, Late, babbitt & insert type rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA51CS1 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
W4-1770 (108 CID) Gas Balers; Industrial Applications: Vermeer; Skid Loaders; Windrowers; Concrete Saws; Wood Chippers 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG157A #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1483S1 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD246 #VALUE!
Connecting Rod 1.875" pin, insert type; casting DA-51-A, DA-51-B WDA68AS9 $216.77

Your Cost
VG4D (154 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 10, 216; New Holland 99, 278, 282, 285, 290, 320, 1290; Forage Harvesters: Ford 605; Gensets: Winpower; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: Inter­national Harvester 3200A, 3200B; New Holland L35; Trenchers: New Holland T550; Windrowers: John Deere 780; New Holland 900, 903, 905, 1469; Bale Wagons: New Holland 1035, 1045. 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG131C #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt includes nut WPB1461S1 $5.89
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD247 $1.56
Connecting Rod Late, babbitt & insert type rods may be mixed in the same engine WDA66BS1 $268.20
V460D / V461D (154 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 286, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1290; Industrial Appli­cations; Windrowers: New Holland 905, 907 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore, overhead valve
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG131C #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt - WPB1462 $6.26
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut -  WPD247 $1.56
Connecting Rod casting DA-66-A-4, After 92051190; Late rods WDA71BS1 $208.43 will replace Early rods if used in full sets WDA71BS1 $208.43
V465D (177 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 25, 283, 286, 290, 320, 420, 425, 426, 430, 500, 505; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: New Holland L35, L775; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 4 cylinder, 3.750" bore, overhead valve
Piston Pin Bushing - WHG131C #VALUE!
Connecting Rod Bolt - WPB1462 $6.26
Connecting Rod Bolt Nut - WPD247 $1.56
Connecting Rod casting DA-66-A-4, After 92051190; Late rods WDA71BS1 $208.43 will replace Early rods if used in full sets WDA71BS1 $208.43

Valve Train Kits & Parts
 If you need parts to rebuild your cylinder head, valve train kits make it easy to get everything you need.
All valve train parts are also available individually for when you don’t need everything. Please verify the seat angle on your old valves when engines have more than one angle as an option.
 In This Section:
Intake valves, exhaust valves, valve guides, valve springs, valve keepers, valve rotators, valve seals, and valve seats
Part Specific: Valve Train Kits include: intake valves, exhaust valves, valve guides, valve springs, and valve keepers

Your Cost
TF / TFD / TH / THD / TJD (54 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 14T; New Holland 68, 166, 271, 272, 273, 310; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: New Holland L225; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 2 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Valve Train Kit with (4) WAF49A. springs RP999351 $127.32
Intake Valve 1.313" head diameter WAE75B $21.34
Exhaust Valve stellite, 1.250" head diameter WAE75D $43.02
Valve Guide .439" OD, 1.813" overall length WAD41E $5.09
Valve Spring 2.312" free length, TF, TH: exhaust and intake; TFD, THD, TJD: intake WAF49A #VALUE!
Valve Keeper taper lock 71810944 $0.51
Valve Spring 1.812" free length, TFD, THD, TJD: stellite valves with rotators WAF54 #VALUE!
Valve Spring 1.969" free length, exhaust, stellite valve less rotators WAF51 #VALUE!
Valve Spring Retainer TFD, THD, TJD: intake; TF, TH: exhaust and intake WAG26 $10.58
Valve Rotator TFD, THD, TJD: exhaust WAG31 $114.87
Valve Seat exhaust and intake WHG273D $9.10
Your Cost
VE4 / VE4D (92 CID) Gas Industrial Applications 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore
Intake Valve 1.313" head diameter WAE75B $21.34
Exhaust Valve stellite, 1.250" head diameter WAE75D $43.02
Valve Guide .439" OD, 1.813" overall length WAD41E $5.09
Valve Spring 2.312" free length, VE4: exhaust and intake; VE4D: intake WAF49A #VALUE!
Valve Spring 1.812" free length, VE4D: exhaust with rotators WAF54 #VALUE!
Valve Spring 1.969" free length, VE4D: exhaust, stellite valve less rotators WAF51 #VALUE!
Valve Spring Retainer VE4D: intake; VE4: exhaust and intake WAG26 $10.58
Valve Rotator VE4D: exhaust WAG31 $114.87
Valve Keeper taper lock 71810944 $0.51
Valve Seat exhaust and intake WHG273D $9.10

Your Cost
VF4 / VF4D (108 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 114W, 116W; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: Bobcat 600; Welders: Lincoln DC250AS 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Intake Valve 1.313" head diameter WAE75B $21.34
Exhaust Valve stellite, 1.250" head diameter WAE75D $43.02
Valve Guide .439" OD, 1.813" overall length WAD41E $5.09
Valve Spring 2.312" free length, VF4: exhaust and intake; VF4D: intake WAF49A #VALUE!
Valve Spring 1.812" free length, VF4D: exhaust with rotators WAF54 #VALUE!
Valve Spring 1.969" free length, exhaust, stellite valve less rotators WAF51 #VALUE!
Valve Spring Retainer VF4D: intake, VF4: exhaust and intake WAG26 $10.58
Valve Rotator VF4D: exhaust WAG31 $114.87
Valve Keeper taper lock 71810944 $0.51
Valve Seat exhaust and intake WHG273D $9.10
Your Cost
VH4 / VH4D (108 CID) Gas Balers; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders; Windrowers 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Valve Train Kit with (8) WAF49A #VALUE! springs RP999353 $254.65
Intake Valve 1.313" head diameter WAE75B $21.34
Exhaust Valve stellite, 1.250" head diameter WAE75D $43.02
Valve Guide .439" OD, 1.813" overall length WAD41E $5.09
Valve Spring 2.312" free length, VH4: exhaust and intake; VH4D: intake WAF49A #VALUE!
Valve Keeper taper lock 71810944 $0.51
Valve Spring 1.812" free length, VH4D: with rotators WAF54 #VALUE!
Valve Spring 1.969" free length, exhaust, stellite valve less rotators WAF51 #VALUE!
Valve Spring Retainer VH4D: intake, VH4: exhaust and intake WAG26 $10.58
Valve Rotator VH4D: exhaust WAG31 $114.87
Valve Seat exhaust and intake WHG273D $9.10
Your Cost
VG4D (154 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 10, 216; New Holland 99, 278, 282, 285, 290, 320, 1290; Forage Harvesters: Ford 605; Gensets: Winpower; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: Inter­national Harvester 3200A, 3200B; New Holland L35; Trenchers: New Holland T550; Windrowers: John Deere 780; New Holland 900, 903, 905, 1469; Bale Wagons: New Holland 1035, 1045. 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore
Intake Valve 1.563" head diameter WAE76E #VALUE!
Valve Guide . WAD42 $5.32
Valve Spring intake WAF52 #VALUE!
Valve Spring exhaust WAF55 $8.98
Valve Spring Retainer intake WAG26 $10.58
Valve Rotator exhaust WAG31 $114.87
Valve Keeper taper lock 71810944 $0.51
Valve Seat exhaust and intake WHG272D $5.00

Your Cost
V460D / V461D (154 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 286, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1290; Industrial Appli­cations; Windrowers: New Holland 905, 907 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore, overhead valve
Intake Valve - WAE89 #VALUE!
Exhaust Valve - WAE88D $39.93
Valve Guide - WAD44B $10.29
Valve Spring 1.969" free length WAF51 #VALUE!
Valve Spring Seat lower: exhaust After 4602107; can be used with WAG41 $76.07 replacement upper rotator Thru 4602107 by supplying WAG40 $0.82 lower spring seat WAG40 $0.82
Valve Spring Retainer upper: intake; exhaust Thru 4602107 with original AG35 lower rotator WAG26A $8.17
Valve Rotator upper: exhaust After 4602107; will also replace earlier AG35 lower rotator by sup­plying WAG40 $0.82 lower spring seat WAG41 $76.07
Valve Keeper half, 1 land, taper lock 742026D $0.42
Valve Seat intake 5A33453 $16.39
Valve Seat exhaust WHG273D $9.10
Your Cost
V465D (177 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 25, 283, 286, 290, 320, 420, 425, 426, 430, 500, 505; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: New Holland L35, L775; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 4 cylinder, 3.750" bore, overhead valve
Valve Train Kit - RP999354 $232.06
Intake Valve - WAE89 #VALUE!
Exhaust Valve - WAE88D $39.93
Valve Guide - WAD44B $10.29
Valve Spring 1.969" free length WAF51 #VALUE!
Valve Keeper half, 1 land, taper lock 742026D $0.42
Valve Spring Retainer intake WAG26A $8.17
Valve Rotator exhaust WAG41 $76.07
Valve Seat intake 5A33453 $16.39 14.26
Valve Seat exhaust WHG273D $9.10

Cam & Lifter Kits, Camshafts, Lifters

When camshafts wear out due to the wear and tear of hours of use in tractors and construction equipment, we offer quality camshafts and the valve lifters that should be replaced with every new camshaft.
 In This Section:
Cam and lifter kits, camshafts, valve lifters, camshaft gears, camshaft thrust plates, camshaft keys, camshaft bolts, and camshaft bearings
Part Specific:
Cam and lifter kits include: camshaft and valve lifters

Your Cost
TF / TFD / TH / THD / TJD ( CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 14T; New Holland 68, 166, 271, 272, 273, 310; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: New Holland L225; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 2 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Camshaft & Lifter Kit TJD RP999521 #VALUE!
Camshaft TJD WEA133B $323.80
Valve Lifter with adjusting screw WF61 #VALUE!
Camshaft TF, TFD, TH, THD WEA136 $207.04
Camshaft Gear TF, TFD, TH, THD WGB45A2 #VALUE!
Camshaft Gear TJD WGB45A $233.45
Camshaft & Crankshaft Gear Set TJD RP591251 $132.69
VE4 / VE4D (92 CID) Gas Industrial Applications 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore
Camshaft - WEA102 $200.09
Valve Lifter with adjusting screw WF61 #VALUE!
Camshaft Gear - WGB45A $233.45
Camshaft & Crankshaft Gear Set - RP591251 $132.69
VF4 / VF4D (108 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 114W, 116W; Industrial Applications; Skid Load­ers: Bobcat 600; Welders: Lincoln DC250AS 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Camshaft - WEA102 $200.09
Valve Lifter with adjusting screw WF61 #VALUE!
Valve Lifter Adjusting Screw - WPB169A $8.72
Camshaft Gear - WGB45A $233.45
Camshaft & Crankshaft Gear Set - RP591251 $132.69
Your Cost
VH4 / VH4D (108 CID) Gas Balers; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders; Windrowers 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore-
Camshaft & Lifter Kit - RP999523 #VALUE!
Camshaft - WEA113 $390.52
Valve Lifter with adjusting screw WF61 #VALUE!
Camshaft Gear except specification 390568 WGB45A $233.45 202.92
Camshaft Gear specification 390568 WGB45D $213.99
Camshaft & Crankshaft Gear Set standard application RP591251 $132.69
W4-1770 (108 CID) Gas Balers; Industrial Applications: Vermeer; Skid Loaders; Windrowers; Concrete Saws; Wood Chippers 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore-
Camshaft & Lifter Kit - RP999523 #VALUE!
Camshaft - WEA113 $390.52
Valve Lifter with adjusting screw WF61 #VALUE!
Valve Lifter Adjusting Screw WPB169A $8.72
Camshaft Gear -  WGB45D $213.99

Your Cost
VG4D (154 CID) Gas Balers: John Deere 10, 216; New Holland 99, 278, 282, 285, 290, 320, 1290; Forage Harvesters: Ford 605; Gensets: Winpower; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: Inter­national Harvester 3200A, 3200B; New Holland L35; Trenchers: New Holland T550; Windrowers: John Deere 780; New Holland 900, 903, 905, 1469; Bale Wagons: New Holland 1035, 1045. 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore
Camshaft & Lifter Kit - RP999522 $749.14
Camshaft - WEA112 $387.74
Valve Lifter with adjusting screw WF71 $44.97
Valve Lifter Adjusting Screw - WPB169A $8.72
Camshaft Gear - WGB46 $207.04
V460D / V461D (154 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 286, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1290; Industrial Appli­cations; Windrowers: New Holland 905, 907 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore, overhead valve
Camshaft & Lifter Kit - RP999524 $1,242.59
Camshaft - WEA132 $1,027.14
Valve Lifter - WF67C $51.60
Camshaft Gear Thru 5075775 WGB46B $124.03
V465D (177 CID) Gas Balers: New Holland 25, 283, 286, 290, 320, 420, 425, 426, 430, 500, 505; Industrial Applications; Skid Loaders: New Holland L35, L775; Trenchers: Ditch Witch 4 cylinder, 3.750" bore, overhead valve
Camshaft & Lifter Kit - RP999524 $1,242.59
Camshaft - WEA132 $1,027.14
Valve Lifter - WF67C $51.60
Camshaft Gear - WGB46B $124.03
Camshaft Gear - WGB46 $207.04

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