International Gas & Diesel Engine Overhaul Kits

Turbo Chargers, Oil Pumps, Oil Coolers, Crankshafts, Gears & Seals
Good prices from RPM for Reliance Power Parts for gas & diesel agriculture & industrial engines

69 E. 580 N.
Santaquin, Utah 84655
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Good prices for quality diesel Overhaul Kits and parts Rod and main bearings come in std. size or oversizes Diesel Overhaul Kits for engines and machines Inframe Overhaul Kits and out of frame Overhaul Kits.

Our exclusive Dominator kits include enhanced piston design ensuring better starting and overall performance. These Dominator kits carry a 2 year unlimited hour warranty from Reliance.

Part Specific:
Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), head gasket set and oil pan gasket

Overhaul Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), overhaul gaskets, front & rear crankshaft seals with wear sleeves (where used)

Major Overhaul Kits include: overhaul kit plus pin bushings, cam bearings (where used), balancer bushings (where used), connecting rod bolts

Most prices are current. Please
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Hours 9-5 Monday-Friday or call to confirm prices.

Gas & diesel engine Overhaul Kits

Crankshafts, Gears & Seals
Crankshfts do not come with bearings unless noted.

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International gas & diesel engine Overhaul Kits

Just click on the link to view the table for that engine.

C60 (60 CID) Gas
Tractors: Farmall Cub; International Cub Thru ESN 264567; Cub Lo-Boy;
Combines: 64; Balers: 50AW, 50T, 55T, 55W;
Power Units: U1 4 cylinder; 2.625" bore, 2.750" stroke, original flat top cast iron pistons,
Note: Thru ESN 261717 contains dome top aluminum pistons
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944224 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945224 #VALUE!

Tractors: Cub 154 Lo-Boy; 184; Cub 185 LoBoy; International Cub After ESN 264567
Note: After ESN 261717, dome top aluminum pistons
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944147 $459.40 557.11
Overhaul Kit P945147

C113 (113 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: A, AV, B, BN; Super A, Super AV, with TSN 250001-310299; C with TSN 501-47999 and After 48499 with block 251069R1 or 366204R2;
Combines: 64, 76; Balers: 55T, 55W 4 cylinder; 3.000" bore, 4.000" stroke, engines without water pump conversion,
Note: 3.311" liner seal land inside diameter, 3.125" bore, dome top pistons, without water pump conversion
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944168 $452.38
Overhaul Kit RP945168 $467.00

Tractors: A, AV, B, BN, C, with block 354898R1-R4; Super A, Super AV, with TSN 310300-356000;
Combines: 64, 76; Balers: 55T, 55W
Note: 3.437" liner seal land inside diameter, 3.125" bore
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944169 $750.53
Overhaul Kit RP945169 $771.38

C123 (123 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: C with TSN 48000-48499; Super A-1, Super AV-1, After TSN 356000; Super C, 100, 200;
Combines: 76; Balers: 55T, 55W 4 cylinder; 3.125" bore, 4.000" stroke, engines with water pump,
Note: 3.437" liner seal land inside diameter, dome top pistons, also C113 with water pump conversion
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944171 $701.95
Overhaul Kit RP945171 $760.94

Tractors: 130, 140, 230, 240;
Combines: 76; Balers: 55T, 55W, 56T, 56W, 57T, 57W;
Crawlers: T-4;
Windrowers: 161, 163, except with block 354898R1-R4
Note: 3.311" liner seal land inside diameter, dome top pistons, also C113 with water pump conversion
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944172 $636.55
Overhaul Kit RP945172 $743.58

C135 (135 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 330, 340;
Combines: 91;
Crawlers: T-340 Thru ESN 100500; T-5, TC-5, 500;
Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder; 3.250" bore, 4.0625" stroke, Note: Thru 100500
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944242 $1,876.50
Overhaul Kit RP945242 $1,911.25

Tractors: 404, 2404;
Crawlers: T-340A After ESN 100500
Note: After 100500
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944243 $1,167.53
Overhaul Kit RP945243 $1,174.48

BC144 (144 CID) Gas
Tractors: B275, B276, 354, B414, 434, 2300, 3414, 3444;
Forklifts: 7000 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.000" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944199 $920.11
Overhaul Kit RP945199 $1,004.90

BD144, BD144A, BD144C (144 CID) Diesel
Tractors: B250, B275, B276, 354, 434, 2300;
Crawlers: TD-5 Series, 500 Series;
Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.000" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944162 $842.27 B250, B275, B276 Tractors Thru ESN 17288
Overhaul Kit RP945354 $961.81

After ESN 17288
Overhaul Kit RP945162 $870.07

C146 (146 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 424, 2424, 2424 Lo-Boy;
Crawlers: 500, 500C; Sprayers: 660, 770, 780 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.0625" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944177 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945177 #VALUE!

C152 (152 CID) Gas
Tractors: H, HV, Thru 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, Thru 33339;
Power Units: U4 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.250" stroke, 1.109" piston pin, 3.562" parent bore in block,
Note: 2.248" std rod journal, , 3.4375" bore, dome top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944191 $611.64
Overhaul Kit RP945191 $636.91

Tractors: H, HV, After 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, After 33339;
Power Units: U4
Note: 2.298" std rod journal, 3.4375" bore, dome top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944192 $736.63
Overhaul Kit RP945192 $835.32

C60 (60 CID) Gas
Tractors: Farmall Cub; International Cub Thru ESN 264567; Cub Lo-Boy;
Combines: 64; Balers: 50AW, 50T, 55T, 55W;
Power Units: U1 4 cylinder; 2.625" bore, 2.750" stroke, original flat top cast iron pistons, Note: Thru ESN 261717 contains dome top aluminum pistons
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944224 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945224 #VALUE!

Tractors: Cub 154 Lo-Boy; 184; Cub 185 LoBoy; International Cub After ESN 264567
Note: After ESN 261717, dome top aluminum pistons
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944147 $459.40
Overhaul Kit RP945147 $475.27

C113 (113 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: A, AV, B, BN; Super A, Super AV, with TSN 250001-310299; C with TSN 501-47999 and After 48499 with block 251069R1 or 366204R2;
Combines: 64, 76; Balers: 55T, 55W 4 cylinder; 3.000" bore, 4.000" stroke, engines without water pump conversion,
Note: 3.311" liner seal land inside diameter, 3.125" bore, dome top pistons, without water pump conversion
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944168 $452.38
Overhaul Kit RP945168 $467.00

Tractors: A, AV, B, BN, C, with block 354898R1-R4; Super A, Super AV, with TSN 310300-356000; Combines: 64, 76; Balers: 55T, 55W
Note: 3.437" liner seal land inside diameter, 3.125" bore
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944169 $750.53
Overhaul Kit RP945169 $771.38

C123 (123 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: C with TSN 48000-48499; Super A-1, Super AV-1, After TSN 356000; Super C, 100, 200;
Combines: 76; Balers: 55T, 55W 4 cylinder; 3.125" bore, 4.000" stroke, engines with water pump, Note: 3.437" liner seal land inside diameter, dome top pistons, also C113 with water pump conversion
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944171 $701.95
Overhaul Kit RP945171 $760.94

Tractors: 130, 140, 230, 240;
Combines: 76; Balers: 55T, 55W, 56T, 56W, 57T, 57W; Crawlers: T-4; Windrowers: 161, 163, except with block 354898R1-R4
Note: 3.311" liner seal land inside diameter, dome top pistons, also C113 with water pump conversion
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944172 $636.55
Overhaul Kit RP945172 $743.58

C135 (135 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 330, 340;
Combines: 91;
Crawlers: T-340 Thru ESN 100500; T-5, TC-5, 500;
Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder; 3.250" bore, 4.0625" stroke, Note: Thru 100500
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944242 $1,876.50
Overhaul Kit RP945242 $1,911.25

Tractors: 404, 2404;
Crawlers: T-340A After ESN 100500
Note: After 100500
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944243 $1,167.53
Overhaul Kit RP945243 $1,174.48

BC144 (144 CID) Gas
Tractors: B275, B276, 354, B414, 434, 2300, 3414, 3444;
Forklifts: 7000 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.000" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944199 $920.11
Overhaul Kit RP945199 $1,004.90

BD144, BD144A, BD144C (144 CID) Diesel
Tractors: B250, B275, B276, 354, 434, 2300;
Crawlers: TD-5 Series, 500 Series;
Windrowers: 201
4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.000" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944162 $842.27 B250, B275, B276 Tractors Thru ESN 17288
Overhaul Kit RP945354 $961.81

After ESN 17288
Overhaul Kit RP945162 $870.07

C146 (146 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 424, 2424, 2424 Lo-Boy;
Crawlers: 500, 500C; Sprayers: 660, 770, 780 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.0625" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944177 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945177 #VALUE!

C152 (152 CID) Gas
Tractors: H, HV, Thru 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, Thru 33339;
Power Units: U4 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.250" stroke, 1.109" piston pin, 3.562" parent bore in block,
Note: 2.248" std rod journal, , 3.4375" bore, dome top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944191 $611.64
Overhaul Kit RP945191 $636.91

Tractors: H, HV, After 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, After 33339;
Power Units: U4
Note: 2.298" std rod journal, 3.4375" bore, dome top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944192 $736.63
Overhaul Kit RP945192 $835.32

C153 (153 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 444, 504, 2444, 2500, 2504, 3514;
Combines: 93, 105, 203; Forklifts: 4000;
Windrowers: 210, 225, 230, 275, 375 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.250" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944145 $792.23
Overhaul Kit RP945145 $865.90

BD154, BD154C, BD154T (154 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 364, 384, B414, 424, 444, 2424, 2444, 3414, 3444;
Combines: 93;
Crawlers: 500; Forklifts: 7000 4 cylinder; 3.500" bore, 4.000" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944268 $821.42
Overhaul Kit RP945268 $877.02

D155 (155 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 385, 395;
Crawlers: 500C 3 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.375" stroke,
Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944326 $1,061.89
Overhaul Kit RP945326 $1,188.38

C157 (157 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: Gear Drive 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B;
Forklifts: 4500B 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.390" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944144 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945144 #VALUE!

C164 (164 CID) Gas
Tractors: Super H, Super HV, Super I-4, Super W-4;
Power Units: U164 4 cylinder; 3.500" bore, 4.250" stroke, 1.109" piston pin, 3.686" parent bore in block
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944151 $1,181.43
Overhaul Kit RP945151 $1,174.48

D166 (166 CID) Diesel, Early
Tractors: 340;
Crawlers: Early TD-340 4 cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 3.875" stroke, light press liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange,
Note: std liners
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944327 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Overhaul Kit RP945327 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available

Note: .002" oversize liners
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944328 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Overhaul Kit RP945328 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available

Note: .005" oversize liners
Overhaul Kit RP945329 #VALUE!

Note: .010" oversize liners
Overhaul Kit RP945331 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available

C169, C175 (175 CID) Gas & LP, sleeved
Tractors: 300 (C169 engine); 350 (C175 engine);
Combines: 140;
Power Units: U169, U175 4 cylinder; 3.625" bore, 4.250" stroke, 3.748" liner parent bore in block,
Note: 3.625" bore, dome top piston with .875" pin, C169 engine Thru 48048 may need pin bushing adapter kit
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944157 $801.67
Overhaul Kit RP945157 $861.52

C175 (175 CID) Gas & LP, sleeveless
Tractors: Hydrostatic 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B; 464, 3400A, 3514;
Wheel Loaders: Early 100; Windrowers: 375 4 cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944238 $842.27
Overhaul Kit RP945238 $984.05

D179 (179 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 380B Case IH; 454, 464, 553, 2400A, 3400A, 484, 485, 495, 3220;
Forklifts: 4500 3 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.060" stroke, engines built thru 1979, 4.667-4.677" liner o-ring groove diameter, 5.0 mm liner o-ring,
Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944143 $795.61
Overhaul Kit RP945143 $1,025.75

D188 (188 CID) Diesel, Early
Tractors: 504 Farmall Thru ESN 12092; 504, 2504 International Thru ESN 11524;
Tractors: 2500 Constructall Thru ESN 11524; 3514 Series Thru ESN 12089 4 cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke, light press liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange,
Note: std liners
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944235 $1,068.84
Overhaul Kit RP945235 $1,103.59

Note: .002" oversize liners
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944283 $863.12 803.27
Overhaul Kit RP945283 $968.76

Note: .005" oversize liners
Overhaul Kit RP945284 $947.91

Note: .010" oversize liners
Overhaul Kit RP945285 #VALUE!

D188 (188 CID) Diesel, Late
Tractors: 504 Farmall After ESN 12092; 504, 2504 International After ESN 11524; 2500 Constructall After ESN 11524; 3514 Series After ESN 12089 4 cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke, heavy press liner with .070" thick x 3.873" OD flange,
Note: std liners
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944237 $954.86 890.18
Overhaul Kit RP945237 $1,110.54

Note: .002" oversize liners
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944286 $799.18 773.53
Overhaul Kit RP945286 $947.91

Note: .005" oversize liners
Overhaul Kit RP945287 $913.16

Note: .010" oversize liners
Overhaul Kit RP945288 $961.81

C200 (200 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 544, 574, 674, 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 2544, 3500A;
Forklifts: 8000; Wheel Loaders: Late 100 4 cylinder; 3.8125" bore, 4.390" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944149 $828.37
Overhaul Kit RP945149 $883.97

D206 (206 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 584, 585, 595, 624, 654, 3230;
Combines: 105;
Crawlers: TD-7;
Wheel Loaders: 100;
Windrowers: 275, 375 4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.375" stroke, engines
Note: Dominator
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944166 $1,052.42
Overhaul Kit RP945166 $1,131.85

C221 (221 CID) Gas & LP, step head piston
Tractors: 460;
Power Units: U221 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 3.6875" stroke, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944239 $1,066.06
Overhaul Kit RP945239 $1,110.54

C221 (221 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 606, 2606, 3616 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 3.6875" stroke,
Note: Thru ESN 35093, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, contoured dome piston kit option available: main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944361 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945361 #VALUE!

D236 (236 CID) Diesel
6. cylinder; Tractors: 460 Thru ESN 5610;
Combines: 101 Thru ESN 11027 3.6875" bore, 3.6875" stroke, .875" piston pin, liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944214 $2,335.20
Overhaul Kit RP945214 $2,689.65

D236 (236 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 460 After ESN 5610; 606, 2606, 3616 Thru ESN 16620;
Combines: 101 After ESN 11028 6. cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 3.6875" stroke, 1.125" piston pin, liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944216 $1,723.60
Overhaul Kit RP945216 $1,779.20

Tractors: 606, 2606, 3616, After ESN 16620;
Combines: 315
Note: liner with .070" thick x 3.873" OD flange, 4.00" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit option available: oversize liners
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944221 $1,494.25
Overhaul Kit RP945221 $1,695.80

D239 (239 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 544, 574, 664, 674, 684, 685, 695, 2500, 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 2544, 3500A, 3514, 4210;
Backhoes: 250A, 260A;
Crawlers: TD-7E, TD-8C;
Wheel Loaders: 100E, 125, 125C;
Windrowers: 4000, 5000, 5500 4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.060" stroke,
Note: Dominator
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944156 $645.35
Overhaul Kit RP945156 $695.00

DT239 (239 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbocharged
Crawlers: TD-8E;
Wheel Loaders: 125E; Other Construction Equipment 4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.060" stroke, 38mm piston pin
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944358 $1,522.05
Overhaul Kit RP945358 $1,633.25

D246 (246 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: Hydro 84, 784, 844 Canada;
Crawlers: T-6 Thru 7610 4 cylinder; 100mm bore,
Note: Thru ESN D123040
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944197 $1,129.01 988.44
Overhaul Kit RP945197 $1,195.33

Note: After ESN D123040
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944198 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945198 #VALUE!

C248 (248 CID) Gas
Tractors: I-6 Thru 35599; M, MV, Thru 278049; O-6, OS- 6, W-6, Thru 35463;
Power Units: Early IU6, U6 4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.250" stroke, 1.312" piston pin, 4.125" parent bore in block,
Note: 2.498" std rod journal, flat top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944152 $1,346.99
Overhaul Kit RP945152 $1,387.15

Note: 2.498" std rod journal, dome top pistons
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944223 $842.27
Overhaul Kit RP945223 $849.22

Crawlers: T-6 After 7610;
Power Units: Late IU6, U6
Note: 2.548" std rod journal, flat top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944231 $1,131.39 1,003.87
Overhaul Kit RP945231 $1,231.47

Note: 2.548" std rod journal, dome top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944222 $899.26
Overhaul Kit RP945222 $954.86

C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeveless
Combines: 403. Thru ESN 2225 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke, pistons with contoured dome and dish,
Note: 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944232 $913.16
Overhaul Kit RP945232 $849.22

Combines: 403. After ESN 2225; 615;
Cotton Pickers: 414, 416, 420, 422, After ESN 40551; Forage Harvesters: 50
Note: 4.00" thrust main bearing flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944233 $906.21
Overhaul Kit RP945233 $961.81

C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeved, Early
Tractors: 560, 660;
Cotton Pickers: 414, 420. ESN 25964-32459;
Crawlers: T-6 (62 Series) Thru ESN 56634 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke, pistons with step head, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944258 $1,417.80
Overhaul Kit RP945258 $1,438.65

C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeved, Late
Tractors: Early 706, 2706; 656, 2656, 3800, 3850;
Cotton Pickers: 414, 420, After ESN 36693; 416, 422;
Crawlers: T-6 (62 Series) After ESN 56634 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke, pistons with contoured dome and dish, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944146 $813.93
Overhaul Kit RP945146 $855.07

C264 (264 CID) Gas & LP, Thru 163807
Tractors: Super M, Super W6; 400, W400, Thru 31239;
Crawlers: Early T-6 (61 Series);
Power Units: U264 4 cylinder; 4.000" bore, 5.250" stroke, 1.312" piston pin, 4.250" parent bore in block,
Note: 4.125" bore, dome top piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944196 $691.76
Overhaul Kit RP945196 $728.00

D268 (268 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 884 Thru ESN D052919;
Backhoes: 270A;
Crawlers: TD-8C; Payloaders: 510. Thru ESN D003779 4 cylinder; 100mm bore, 5.500" stroke, engines built thru 1979,
Note: rod bearing with LH notch
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944381 $1,224.52
Overhaul Kit RP945381 $1,273.17

Tractors: 884 After ESN D052919; 885, 895, 4230;
Backhoes: Late 270A (with RH notch rod bearing);
Crawlers: Late TD-8C; Payloaders: 510. After ESN D003779 (w/RH Notch)
Note: rod bearing with RH notch
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944188 $1,167.53
Overhaul Kit RP945188 $1,202.28

DT268 (268 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbocharged
Tractors: 995, 4240 4 cylinder; 100mm bore, 38mm piston pin, engines built after 1979, 4.658-4.667" liner o-ring groove diameter, 4.75mm liner o-ring,
Note: 14.7:1 CR 995 Tractors; 4240 Tractors Thru ESN 899999
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944189 $1,153.63
Overhaul Kit RP945189 $1,424.75

Note:15.6:1 CR, 4240 After ESN 899999 or Early Upgrade
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944359 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Overhaul Kit RP945359 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available

C264, C281 (281 CID) Gas & LP, C264 After 163807
Tractors: 400, W400, After 31239; 450, W450;
Crawlers: Late T-6 (61 Series) 4 cylinder; 4.125" bore, 5.250" stroke, domed pistons with 1.000" pin, 4.250" parent bore in block, fire crater head pistons
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944148 $984.05
Overhaul Kit RP945148 $1,004.90

D282 (282 CID) Diesel, .875" pin, wide flange liner
Tractors: 560 Thru ESN 6765; 660 Thru ESN 4369 6. cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke, liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944229 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Overhaul Kit RP945229 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available

D282, DT282 (282 CID) Diesel, 1.125" pin
Tractors: 560 ESN 6766-71777; 656, 660, 706, 2656, 2706 ESN Thru 71777;
Combines: 151, 151HS, 181, 403, 615;
Cotton Pickers: 214, 214A, 220, 220A, 414, 416, 420, 422. Thru ESN 71819;
Crawlers: TD-6 (62 Series) Thru ESN 2XXX-3711; TD-9B Thru ESN 11440 6. cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke,
Note: liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter kit option available: main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944178 $1,003.62
Overhaul Kit RP945178 $1,096.64

Tractors: 656, 706, 2656, 2706, 3800, 3850, After ESN 71777;
Cotton Pickers: 416, 422, After ESN 71819;
Crawlers: TD-6 (62 Series) After ESN 3711; TD-9B After ESN 11440
Note: liner with .070" thick x 3.873" OD flange, 4.00" thrust main bearing flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944255 $1,110.54
Overhaul Kit RP945255 $1,089.69

C291 (291 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: Late 706, 2706; Hydro 70, Hydro 86, 666, 686, 756, 766, 2756;
Cotton Pickers: 616, 622; Forklifts: 9000 6. cylinder; 3.750" bore, 4.390" stroke, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944372 $849.22
Overhaul Kit RP945372 $883.97

C301 (301 CID) Gas & LP
Tractors: 806, 2806, 826, 2826, 856, 2856;
Combines: 453 Hillside, 715;
Cotton Pickers: 616, 622 6. cylinder; 3.8125" bore, 4.390" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944262 $1,061.89
Overhaul Kit P945262

D301 (301 CID) Diesel
Combines: 403, 403. Hillside; Early 453 Hillside; 503; 715 Thru 23000 6. cylinder; 3.8125" bore, 4.390" stroke,
Note: engines with 3.75" main bearing thrust flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00" thrust flange diameter
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944365 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945365 #VALUE!

D310 (310 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 686; Late 706, 2706; 756, 2756, Hydro 86;
Combines: Late 715;
Cotton Pickers: 616, 622; Early 782;
Cotton Harvesters: 95; Forklifts: 9000; Pay Loggers: S9A 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.375" stroke,
Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944134 $832.71
Overhaul Kit RP945134 $952.44

D312 (312 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 666, 686, Hydro 70, Hydro 86 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.410" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944167 $2,376.90
Overhaul Kit RP945167 $2,654.90

D358 (358 CID) Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 826, 2826, 786; 886 After 14471; 3088, 3288;
Combine: 1420; 1620. Thru JJC0032629;
Cotton Harvesters: 1400;
Wheel Loaders: 520B Dresser 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.0625" stroke,
Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944138 $1,181.39
Overhaul Kit RP945138 $1,263.32

Cotton Pickers: 782 Low Drum After 681; 782 High Drum After 2123
Note: rod bearing with oil hole, Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944356 #VALUE!
Overhaul Kit RP945356 #VALUE!

D360 (360 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 766; 886 Thru 14471;
Combines: Late 453 Hillside;
Log Skidders: S8A;
Wheel Loaders: 515, H60E 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.085" stroke
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944123 $1,092.14
Overhaul Kit RP945123 $1,153.37

D361 (361 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 806, 2806. 6. cylinder; 4.125" bore
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944129 $1,699.78
Overhaul Kit RP945129 $1,772.25

DT361 (361 CID) Diesel, Turbocharged
Tractors: 1206, 21206;
Crawlers: Early TD-15B; Scrapers: Early E200 6. cylinder; 4.125" bore
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944128 $2,258.75
Overhaul Kit RP945128 $2,481.15

D407, DT407 (407 CID) Diesel, 1.500" piston pin diameter,
Naturally Aspirated / Turbocharged

Tractors: 856, 1026, 1256, 2856, 21026, 21256;
Combines: 815 Thru 8000;
Crawlers: Late TD-15B 6. cylinder; 4.321" bore, 4.625" stroke, 1.500" piston pin
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944124 $1,367.90
Overhaul Kit RP945124 $1,459.50

DT407 (407 CID) Diesel, 1.625" piston pin diameter, Turbocharged
Tractors: 1456, 21456;
Combines: 915 Thru 8000;
Paylogger: S11A; Scraper: Late E200 6. cylinder; 4.321" bore, 4.625" stroke, 1.625" piston pin
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944126 $1,168.91
Overhaul Kit RP945126 $1,232.05

D414 (414 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 966;
Combines: Late 815 After 8000 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 4.750" stroke,
Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP853 $1,077.25
Overhaul Kit RP857 $1,233.82

DT414 (414 CID) Diesel, Turbocharged
Tractors: 1066 Gear Drive; Early 1066 Hydro; 1086;
Combines: Late 915 After 8000 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 4.750" stroke,
Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP861 $1,077.25
Overhaul Kit RP865 $1,233.82 #VALUE!

D436 (436 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 986; Late 1066 Hydro; 100 Hydro, 186 Hydro, 3688;
Combines: 1440. 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.004" stroke,
Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP869 $1,077.25
Overhaul Kit RP873 $1,233.82

DT436 (436 CID) Diesel, Turbocharged
Tractors: 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 4166, 4186, 5088, 6388;
Combines: 1460; 1480. Thru 24000 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.004" stroke,
Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP877 $1,077.25
Overhaul Kit RP881 $1,233.82 #VALUE!

D466 (466 CID) Diesel, Naturally Aspirated
Tractors: 3488;
Combines: Early 1640. Thru JJC0034704;
Cotton Pickers: Early 1800.Thru JJC0012690;
Crawlers: TD-12; Graders: Dresser A450E 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke,
Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944119 $1,869.55
Overhaul Kit RP945119 $1,834.80

Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944348 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Overhaul Kit RP945348 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available

DT466 / Early DT466B & DT466C (466 CID) Diesel
Tractors: 3588, 3788, 4366, 4386, 5288; Early 5488; 6588, 6788;
Combines: 1470; 1480. After 24000;
Crawlers: TD-15C;
Wheel Loaders: Dresser 540 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke, DT466, DTI466, DT466B Thru 193854;
DTI466B , DT466C Thru 440035; DTI466C Thru 439617,
narrow crankshaft bearing width: 1.230" mains, 1.200" rods, crankshaft cast C1 or C2,
Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP849 $1,077.25
Overhaul Kit RP851 $1,233.82 #VALUE!

Note: 4 ring piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944266 $2,140.60 1,304.86
Overhaul Kit RP945266 $2,168.40

DT466B / DT466C / DTI466C (466 CID) Diesel, ESN Thru 532980
Tractors: Late 5488, 7288, 7488;
Combines: Late 1480; Early 1660, 1680;
Cotton Pickers: Early 1844;
Wheel Loaders: Dresser 540 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke, DT466B After 193854, DT466C 440036-532980, DTI466C 439618-532980, wide crankshaft bearing width: 1.294" mains, 1.260" rods, crankshaft cast C1 or C2,
Note: with rod bolts
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP850 $1,077.25
Overhaul Kit RP852 $1,233.82 #VALUE!

Note: 4 ring piston
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944267 $1,779.20
Overhaul Kit RP945267 $2,168.40

DT466 (466 CID) Diesel, PLN, ESN After 888340
Tractors: 9435, 9455, 9635, 9655 Allis Chalmers (Perkins T6.76 / WF3691);
Feller Buncher: Timberjack 1270B (Perkins T6.76 / WF3933) 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke, PLN (pump line nozzles injection system),
Note: 175HP, 210HP; 230 HP standard torque
Inframe Overhaul Kit 311015 $1,236.99
Overhaul Kit RP945338 $1,598.50

Note: 230HP high torque; 250HP
Inframe Overhaul Kit 311017 $1,077.25
Overhaul Kit RP945339 $1,598.50

I530P (530 CID) Diesel, CC6.87 & T6.87 Perkins
Tractors: 9675, 9695, 9815 Allis Chalmers 6. cylinder; 4.590" bore, 5.350" stroke, (8.7L), PLN (pump line nozzles injection system),
Note: 1 piece piston, except After 915840 with 300HP and higher
Inframe Overhaul Kit 311018 $1,786.15
Overhaul Kit RP945374 $2,363.00

Note: 2 piece articulated piston, After 915840 with 300HP and higher
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944375 $6,011.75
Overhaul Kit RP945375 $5,935.30

I530E (530 CID) Diesel, Thru 1194038
Tractors: 9785 AGCO 6. cylinder; 4.590" bore, 5.350" stroke, HEUI (Hydraulically Actuated Electronically Activated Unit Injectors),
Note: 1 piece piston, 250HP-275HP
Inframe Overhaul Kit 311019 $1,368.02
Overhaul Kit RP945376 $1,563.75

Note: 2 piece articulated piston, 300HP and Higher
Inframe Overhaul Kit RP944377 $4,482.75
Overhaul Kit RP945377 $5,275.05

Engine Overhaul Kits

Our exclusive Dominator kits include enhanced piston design ensuring better starting and overall performance. These Dominator kits carry a 2 year unlimited hour warranty.
nframe Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), head gasket set and oil pan gasket

Overhaul Kits include: cylinder or piston kits, rod bearings, main bearings with thrust washers (where used), overhaul gaskets, front & rear crankshaft seals with wear sleeves (where used)

C60 (60 CID) Gas  Tractors: Farmall Cub; International Cub Thru ESN 264567; Cub Lo-Boy; Combines: 64; Balers: 50AW, 50T, 55T, 55W; Power Units: U1  4 cylinder; 2.625" bore, 2.750" stroke, original flat top cast iron pistons, Note: Thru ESN 261717 contains dome top aluminum pistons RP944224 #VALUE!  RP945224 #VALUE!
Tractors: Cub 154 Lo-Boy; 184; Cub 185 LoBoy; Inter­national Cub After ESN 264567 Note: After ESN 261717, dome top aluminum pistons RP944147 $459.40 RP945147 $475.27
C113 (113 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: A, AV, B, BN; Super A, Super AV, with TSN 250001-310299; C with TSN 501-47999 and After 48499 with block 251069R1 or 366204R2; Combines: 64, 76; Balers: 55T, 55W 4 cylinder; 3.000" bore, 4.000" stroke, engines without water pump conversion, Note: 3.311" liner seal land inside diameter, 3.125" bore, dome top pistons, without water pump conversion RP944168 $452.38 RP945168 $467.00
Tractors: A, AV, B, BN, C, with block 354898R1-R4; Su­per A, Super AV, with TSN 310300-356000; Combines: 64, 76; Balers: 55T, 55W Note: 3.437" liner seal land inside diameter, 3.125" bore RP944169 $750.53 RP945169 $771.38
C123 (123 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: C with TSN 48000-48499; Super A-1, Super AV-1, After TSN 356000; Super C, 100, 200; Combines: 76; Balers: 55T, 55W 4 cylinder; 3.125" bore, 4.000" stroke, engines with water pump, Note: 3.437" liner seal land inside diameter, dome top pistons, also C113 with water pump conversion RP944171 $701.95 RP945171 $760.94 5
Tractors: 130, 140, 230, 240; Combines: 76; Balers: 55T, 55W, 56T, 56W, 57T, 57W; Crawlers: T-4; Windrowers: 161, 163, except with block 354898R1-R4 Note: 3.311" liner seal land inside diameter, dome top pistons, also C113 with water pump conversion RP944172 $636.55 RP945172 $743.58
C135 (135 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 330, 340; Combines: 91; Crawlers: T-340 Thru ESN 100500; T-5, TC-5, 500; Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder; 3.250" bore, 4.0625" stroke, Note: Thru 100500 RP944242 $1,876.50 RP945242 $1,911.25
Tractors: 404, 2404; Crawlers: T-340A After ESN 100500 Note: After 100500 RP944243 $1,167.53 RP945243 $1,174.48
BC144 (144 CID) Gas Tractors: B275, B276, 354, B414, 434, 2300, 3414, 3444; Forklifts: 7000 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.000" stroke RP944199 $920.11 RP945199 $1,004.90
BD144, BD144A, BD144C (144 CID) Diesel Tractors: B250, B275, B276, 354, 434, 2300; Crawlers: TD-5 Series, 500 Series; Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.000" stroke RP944162 $842.27 -
B250, B275, B276 Tractors Thru ESN 17288 - RP945354 $961.81 8
After ESN 17288 - RP945162 $870.07
C146 (146 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 424, 2424, 2424 Lo-Boy; Crawlers: 500, 500C; Sprayers: 660, 770, 780 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.0625" stroke RP944177 #VALUE! RP945177 #VALUE!
C152 (152 CID) Gas Tractors: H, HV, Thru 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, Thru 33339; Power Units: U4 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.250" stroke, 1.109" piston pin, 3.562" parent bore in block,
Note: 2.248" std rod journal, , 3.4375" bore, dome top piston
RP944191 $611.64 RP945191 $636.91
Tractors: H, HV, After 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, After 33339; Power Units: U4 Note: 2.298" std rod journal, 3.4375" bore, dome top piston RP944192 $736.63 RP945192 $835.32

C153 (153 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 444, 504, 2444, 2500, 2504, 3514; Combines: 93, 105, 203; Forklifts: 4000; Windrowers: 210, 225, 230, 275, 375 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.250" stroke RP944145 $792.23 RP945145 $865.90
BD154, BD154C, BD154T (154 CID) Diesel Tractors: 364, 384, B414, 424, 444, 2424, 2444, 3414, 3444; Combines: 93; Crawlers: 500; Forklifts: 7000 4 cylinder; 3.500" bore, 4.000" stroke RP944268 $821.42 RP945268 $877.02
D155 (155 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 385, 395; Crawlers: 500C 3 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.375" stroke, Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston RP944326 $1,061.89 RP945326 $1,188.38
C157 (157 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: Gear Drive 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B; Forklifts: 4500B 4 cylinder; 3.375" bore, 4.390" stroke RP944144 #VALUE! RP945144 #VALUE!
C164 (164 CID) Gas Tractors: Super H, Super HV, Super I-4, Super W-4; Power Units: U164 4 cylinder; 3.500" bore, 4.250" stroke, 1.109" piston pin, 3.686" parent bore in block RP944151 $1,181.43 RP945151 $1,174.48
D166 (166 CID) Diesel, Early Tractors: 340; Crawlers: Early TD-340 4 cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 3.875" stroke, light press liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, Note: std liners RP944327 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available RP945327 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Note: .002" oversize liners RP944328 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available RP945328 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
Note: .005" oversize liners RP945329 #VALUE! -
Note: .010" oversize liners RP945331 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available -
C169, C175 (175 CID) Gas & LP, sleeved Tractors: 300 (C169 engine); 350 (C175 engine); Com­bines: 140; Power Units: U169, U175 4 cylinder; 3.625" bore, 4.250" stroke, 3.748" liner parent bore in block, Note: 3.625" bore, dome top piston with .875" pin, C169 engine Thru 48048 may need pin bushing adapter kit RP944157 $801.67 RP945157 $861.52
C175 (175 CID) Gas & LP, sleeveless Tractors: Hydrostatic 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B; 464, 3400A, 3514; Wheel Loaders: Early 100; Windrowers: 375 4 cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke RP944238 $842.27 RP945238 $984.05
D179 (179 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 380B Case IH; 454, 464, 553, 2400A, 3400A, 484, 485, 495, 3220; Forklifts: 4500 3 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.060" stroke, engines built thru 1979, 4.667-4.677" liner o-ring groove diameter, 5.0 mm liner o-ring, Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston RP944143 $795.61 RP945143 $1,025.75
D188 (188 CID) Diesel, Early Tractors: 504 Farmall Thru ESN 12092; 504, 2504 Inter­national Thru ESN 11524; Tractors: 2500 Constructall Thru ESN 11524; 3514 Series Thru ESN 12089 4 cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke, light press liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, Note: std liners RP944235 $1,068.84 RP945235 $1,103.59
Note: .002" oversize liners RP944283 $863.12 803.27 RP945283 $968.76 845.87
Note: .005" oversize liners RP945284 $947.91 -
Note: .010" oversize liners RP945285 #VALUE! -
D188 (188 CID) Diesel, Late Tractors: 504 Farmall After ESN 12092; 504, 2504 International After ESN 11524; 2500 Constructall After ESN 11524; 3514 Series After ESN 12089 4 cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke, heavy press liner with .070" thick x 3.873" OD flange, Note: std liners RP944237 $954.86 RP945237 $1,110.54
Note: .002" oversize liners RP944286 $799.18 RP945286 $947.91
Note: .005" oversize liners RP945287 $913.16 -
Note: .010" oversize liners RP945288 $961.81 -
C200 (200 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 544, 574, 674, 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 2544, 3500A; Forklifts: 8000; Wheel Loaders: Late 100 4 cylinder; 3.8125" bore, 4.390" stroke RP944149 $828.37 RP945149 $883.97

D206 (206 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 584, 585, 595, 624, 654, 3230; Combines: 105; Crawlers: TD-7; Wheel Loaders: 100; Windrowers: 275, 375

4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.375" stroke, engines

Note: Dominator

RP944166 $1,052.42 RP945166 $1,131.85
C221 (221 CID) Gas & LP, step head piston Tractors: 460; Power Units: U221 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 3.6875" stroke, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter RP944239 $1,066.06 RP945239 $1,110.54
C221 (221 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 606, 2606, 3616 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 3.6875" stroke, Note: Thru ESN 35093, 3.75" thrust main bear­ing flange diameter, contoured dome piston kit option available: main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter RP944361 #VALUE! RP945361 #VALUE! 1
D236 (236 CID) Diesel Tractors: 460 Thru ESN 5610; Combines: 101 Thru ESN 11027 6. cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 3.6875" stroke, .875" piston pin, liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter RP944214 $2,335.20 RP945214 $2,689.65
D236 (236 CID) Diesel Tractors: 460 After ESN 5610; 606, 2606, 3616 Thru ESN 16620; combines: 101 After ESN 11028 6. cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 3.6875" stroke, 1.125" piston pin, liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diam­eter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter RP944216 $1,723.60 RP945216 $1,779.20
Tractors: 606, 2606, 3616, After ESN 16620; Combines: 315 Note: liner with .070" thick x 3.873" OD flange, 4.00" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit option available: oversize liners RP944221 $1,494.25 RP945221 $1,695.80
D239 (239 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 544, 574, 664, 674, 684, 685, 695, 2500, 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 2544, 3500A, 3514, 4210; Backhoes: 250A, 260A; Crawlers: TD-7E, TD-8C; Wheel Loaders: 100E, 125, 125C; Windrowers: 4000, 5000, 5500 4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.060" stroke,
Note: Dominator
RP944156 $645.35 RP945156 $695.00
DT239 (239 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbo- charged Crawlers: TD-8E; Wheel Loaders: 125E; Other Con­struction Equipment 4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.060" stroke, 38mm piston pin RP944358 $1,522.05 RP945358 $1,633.25
D246 (246 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: Hydro 84, 784, 844 Canada; Crawlers: T-6 Thru 7610 4 cylinder; 100mm bore,
Note: Thru ESN D123040
RP944197 $1,129.01 RP945197 $1,195.33
Note: After ESN D123040 RP944198 #VALUE! RP945198 #VALUE!
C248 (248 CID) Gas Tractors: I-6 Thru 35599; M, MV, Thru 278049; O-6, OS- 6, W-6, Thru 35463; Power Units: Early IU6, U6 4 cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.250" stroke, 1.312" piston pin, 4.125" parent bore in block,
Note: 2.498" std rod journal, flat top piston
RP944152 $1,346.99 RP945152 $1,387.15
Note: 2.498" std rod journal, dome top pistons RP944223 $842.27 RP945223 $849.22
Crawlers: T-6 After 7610; Power Units: Late IU6, U6 Note: 2.548" std rod journal, flat top piston RP944231 $1,131.39 RP945231 $1,231.47
Note: 2.548" std rod journal, dome top piston RP944222 $899.26 RP945222 $954.86
C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeveless Combines: 403. Thru ESN 2225 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke, pistons with contoured dome and dish,
Note: 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter
RP944232 $913.16 RP945232 $849.22
Combines: 403. After ESN 2225; 615; Cotton Pickers: 414, 416, 420, 422, After ESN 40551; Forage Harvest­ers: 50 Note: 4.00" thrust main bearing flange diameter RP944233 $906.21 RP945233 $961.81

C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeved, Early Tractors: 560, 660; Cotton Pickers: 414, 420. ESN 25964-32459; Crawlers: T-6 (62 Series) Thru ESN 56634 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke, pistons with step head, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter RP944258 $1,417.80 RP945258 $1,438.65
C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeved, Late Tractors: Early 706, 2706; 656, 2656, 3800, 3850; Cotton Pickers: 414, 420, After ESN 36693; 416, 422; Crawlers: T-6 (62 Series) After ESN 56634 6. cylinder; 3.5625" bore, 4.390" stroke, pistons with contoured dome and dish, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter RP944146 $813.93 RP945146 $855.07
C264 (264 CID) Gas & LP, Thru 163807 Tractors: Super M, Super W6; 400, W400, Thru 31239; Crawlers: Early T-6 (61 Series); Power Units: U264 4 cylinder; 4.000" bore, 5.250" stroke, 1.312" piston pin, 4.250" parent bore in block,
Note: 4.125" bore, dome top piston
RP944196 $691.76 RP945196 $728.00
D268 (268 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 884 Thru ESN D052919; Backhoes: 270A; Crawlers: TD-8C; Payloaders: 510. Thru ESN D003779 4 cylinder; 100mm bore, 5.500" stroke, en­gines built thru 1979,
Note: rod bearing with LH notch
RP944381 $1,224.52 RP945381 $1,273.17
Tractors: 884 After ESN D052919; 885, 895, 4230; Backhoes: Late 270A (with RH notch rod bearing); Crawlers: Late TD-8C; Payloaders: 510. After ESN D003779 (w/RH Notch) Note: rod bearing with RH notch RP944188 $1,167.53 RP945188 $1,202.28
DT268 (268 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbo- charged Tractors: 995, 4240 4 cylinder; 100mm bore, 38mm piston pin, en­gines built after 1979, 4.658-4.667" liner o-ring groove diameter, 4.75mm liner o-ring,
Note: 14.7:1 CR 995 Tractors; 4240 Tractors Thru ESN 899999
RP944189 $1,153.63 RP945189 $1,424.75
Note:15.6:1 CR, 4240 After ESN 899999 or Early Upgrade RP944359 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available RP945359 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
C264, C281 (281 CID) Gas & LP, C264 After 163807 Tractors: 400, W400, After 31239; 450, W450; Crawlers: Late T-6 (61 Series) 4 cylinder; 4.125" bore, 5.250" stroke, domed pistons with 1.000" pin, 4.250" parent bore in block, fire crater head pistons RP944148 $984.05 RP945148 $1,004.90
D282 (282 CID) Diesel, .875" pin, wide flange liner Tractors: 560 Thru ESN 6765; 660 Thru ESN 4369 6. cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke, liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter RP944229 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available RP945229 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
D282, DT282 (282 CID) Diesel, 1.125" pin Tractors: 560 ESN 6766-71777; 656, 660, 706, 2656, 2706 ESN Thru 71777; Combines: 151, 151HS, 181, 403, 615; Cotton Pickers: 214, 214A, 220, 220A, 414, 416, 420, 422. Thru ESN 71819; Crawlers: TD-6 (62 Series) Thru ESN 2XXX-3711; TD-9B Thru ESN 11440 6. cylinder; 3.6875" bore, 4.390" stroke,
Note: liner with .188" thick x 4.165" OD flange, 3.75" thrust main bearing flange diameter kit option available: main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter
RP944178 $1,003.62 RP945178 $1,096.64
Tractors: 656, 706, 2656, 2706, 3800, 3850, After ESN 71777; Cotton Pickers: 416, 422, After ESN 71819; Crawlers: TD-6 (62 Series) After ESN 3711; TD-9B After ESN 11440 Note: liner with .070" thick x 3.873" OD flange, 4.00" thrust main bearing flange diameter RP944255 $1,110.54 RP945255 $1,089.69
C291 (291 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: Late 706, 2706; Hydro 70, Hydro 86, 666, 686, 756, 766, 2756; Cotton Pickers: 616, 622; Forklifts: 9000 6. cylinder; 3.750" bore, 4.390" stroke, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter RP944372 $849.22 RP945372 $883.97
C301 (301 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 806, 2806, 826, 2826, 856, 2856; Combines: 453 Hillside, 715; Cotton Pickers: 616, 622 6. cylinder; 3.8125" bore, 4.390" stroke RP944262 $1,061.89 RP945262 $1,032.70
D301 (301 CID) Diesel Combines: 403, 403. Hillside; Early 453 Hillside; 503; 715 Thru 23000 6. cylinder; 3.8125" bore, 4.390" stroke, Note: engines with 3.75" main bearing thrust flange diameter, kit options available: oversize liners, main bearings with 4.00” thrust flange diameter RP944365 #VALUE! RP945365 #VALUE!

D310 (310 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 686; Late 706, 2706; 756, 2756, Hydro 86; Combines: Late 715; Cotton Pickers: 616, 622; Early 782; Cotton Harvesters: 95; Forklifts: 9000; Pay Log­gers: S9A 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.375" stroke,
Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston
RP944134 $832.71 RP945134 $952.44
D312 (312 CID) Diesel Tractors: 666, 686, Hydro 70, Hydro 86 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 4.410" stroke RP944167 $2,376.90 RP945167 $2,654.90
D358 (358 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 826, 2826, 786; 886 After 14471; 3088, 3288; Combine: 1420; 1620. Thru JJC0032629; Cotton Har­vesters: 1400; Wheel Loaders: 520B Dresser 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.0625" stroke,
Note: Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston
RP944138 $1,181.39 RP945138 $1,263.32
Cotton Pickers: 782 Low Drum After 681; 782 High Drum After 2123 Note: rod bearing with oil hole, Dominator, enhanced compression ratio piston RP944356 #VALUE! RP945356 #VALUE!
D360 (360 CID) Diesel Tractors: 766; 886 Thru 14471; Combines: Late 453 Hillside; Log Skidders: S8A; Wheel Loaders: 515, H60E 6. cylinder; 3.875" bore, 5.085" stroke RP944123 $1,092.14 RP945123 $1,153.37
D361 (361 CID) Diesel Tractors: 806, 2806. 6. cylinder; 4.125" bore RP944129 $1,699.78 RP945129 $1,772.25
DT361 (361 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1206, 21206; Crawlers: Early TD-15B; Scrap­ers: Early E200 6. cylinder; 4.125" bore RP944128 $2,258.75 RP945128 $2,481.15
D407, DT407 (407 CID) Diesel, 1.500" piston pin diameter, Naturally Aspirated / Turbo- charged Tractors: 856, 1026, 1256, 2856, 21026, 21256; Com­bines: 815 Thru 8000; Crawlers: Late TD-15B 6. cylinder; 4.321" bore, 4.625" stroke, 1.500" piston pin RP944124 $1,367.90 RP945124 $1,459.50
DT407 (407 CID) Diesel, 1.625" piston pin diameter, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1456, 21456; Combines: 915 Thru 8000; Paylogger: S11A; Scraper: Late E200 6. cylinder; 4.321" bore, 4.625" stroke, 1.625" piston pin RP944126 $1,168.91 RP945126 $1,232.05
D414 (414 CID) Diesel Tractors: 966; Combines: Late 815 After 8000

6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 4.750" stroke,

Note: with rod bolts

RP853 $1,077.25 RP857 $1,233.82
DT414 (414 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1066 Gear Drive; Early 1066 Hydro; 1086; Combines: Late 915 After 8000

6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 4.750" stroke,

Note: with rod bolts

RP861 $1,077.25 RP865 $1,233.82 #VALUE!
D436 (436 CID) Diesel Tractors: 986; Late 1066 Hydro; 100 Hydro, 186 Hydro, 3688; Combines: 1440.

6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.004" stroke,

Note: with rod bolts

RP869 $1,077.25 RP873 $1,233.82
DT436 (436 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 4166, 4186, 5088, 6388; Combines: 1460; 1480. Thru 24000

6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.004" stroke,

Note: with rod bolts

RP877 $1,077.25 RP881 $1,233.82 #VALUE!
D466 (466 CID) Diesel, Naturally Aspirated Tractors: 3488; Combines: Early 1640. Thru JJC0034704; Cotton Pickers: Early 1800.Thru JJC0012690; Crawlers: TD-12; Graders: Dresser A450E

6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke,

Note: with rod bolts

RP944119 $1,869.55 RP945119 $1,834.80
Note: with rod bolts RP944348 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available RP945348 #VALUE! #VALUE! Not available
DT466 / Early DT466B & DT466C (466 CID) Diesel Tractors: 3588, 3788, 4366, 4386, 5288; Early 5488; 6588, 6788; Combines: 1470; 1480. After 24000; Crawl­ers: TD-15C; Wheel Loaders: Dresser 540 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke, DT466, DTI466, DT466B Thru 193854; DTI466B , DT466C Thru 440035; DTI466C Thru 439617, narrow crankshaft bearing width: 1.230" mains, 1.200" rods, crankshaft cast C1 or C2, Note: with rod bolts RP849 $1,077.25 RP851 $1,233.82 #VALUE!
Note: 4 ring piston RP944266 $2,140.60 RP945266 $2,168.40

DT466B / DT466C / DTI466C (466 CID) Diesel, ESN Thru 532980 Tractors: Late 5488, 7288, 7488; Combines: Late 1480; Early 1660, 1680; Cotton Pickers: Early 1844; Wheel Loaders: Dresser 540 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke, DT466B After 193854, DT466C 440036-532980, DTI466C 439618-532980, wide crankshaft bearing width: 1.294" mains, 1.260" rods, crankshaft cast C1 or C2, Note: with rod bolts RP850 $1,077.25 RP852 $1,233.82 #VALUE!
Note: 4 ring piston RP944267 $1,779.20 RP945267 $2,168.40
DT466 (466 CID) Diesel, PLN, ESN After 888340 Tractors: 9435, 9455, 9635, 9655 Allis Chalmers (Perkins T6.76 / WF3691); Feller Buncher: Timberjack 1270B (Perkins T6.76 / WF3933) 6. cylinder; 4.3005" bore, 5.350" stroke, PLN (pump line nozzles injection system), Note: 175HP, 210HP; 230 HP standard torque 311015 $1,236.99 RP945338 $1,598.50
Note: 230HP high torque; 250HP 311017 $1,077.25 RP945339 $1,598.50
I530P (530 CID) Diesel, CC6.87 & T6.87 Perkins Tractors: 9675, 9695, 9815 Allis Chalmers 6. cylinder; 4.590" bore, 5.350" stroke, (8.7L), PLN (pump line nozzles injection system), Note: 1 piece piston, except After 915840 with 300HP and higher 311018 $1,786.15 RP945374 $2,363.00
Note: 2 piece articulated piston, After 915840 with 300HP and higher RP944375 $6,011.75 RP945375 $5,935.30
I530E (530 CID) Diesel, Thru 1194038 Tractors: 9785 AGCO 6. cylinder; 4.590" bore, 5.350" stroke, HEUI (Hy­draulically Actuated Electronically Activated Unit Injectors), Note: 1 piece piston, 250HP-275HP 311019 $1,368.02 RP945376 $1,563.75
Note: 2 piece articulated piston, 300HP and Higher RP944377 $4,482.75 RP945377 $5,275.05

Turbochargers, Intake & Exhaust Parts

We have a wide selection of turbochargers, manifolds, and manifold gaskets for most agricultural, truck, and construction equipment applications. We now offer more new turbochargers than ever, while maintaining
options for remanu- factured turbochargers.
In This Section: Aftercoolers, aftercooler gaskets, tubochargers, turbocharger cartridges, turbocharger clamps, turbocharger gaskets, exhaust sleeves and elbows, exhaust gaskets, manifolds, and manifold gaskets
Your Cost
C60 (60 CID) Gas Tractors: Farmall Cub; International Cub; Cub Lo-Boy; Cub 154 Lo-Boy; 184; Cub 185 LoBoy; Combines: 64; Balers: 50AW, 50T, 55T, 55W; Power Units: U1 4 cylinder, 2.625" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    7251233 $8.52
113. (113 CID) Gas / LP Tractors: Farmall F12 After FS3034; Fairway 12, I12, O12, W12, Farmall F14, Fairway 14, I14, O14, W14; Power Units: P12 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore, years 1932-1939    
Manifold Gasket    RP341517 $30.71
C113 (113 CID) Gas / LP Tractors: A, AV, B, BN, C; Super A, Super AV, with TSN 250001-356000; Combines: 64, 76; Balers: 55T, 55W 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore, engines without water pump conversion    
Manifold Gasket Set    7352014 $8.52
C123 (123 CID) Gas / LP Tractors: C; Super A-1, Super AV-1, After TSN 356000; Super C, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240; Combines: 76; Balers: 55T, 55W, 56T, 56W, 57T, 57W; Crawlers: T-4; Windrow­ers: 161, 163, except with block 354898R1-R4 4 cylinder, 3.125" bore, engines with water pump    
Manifold Gasket Set    7352014 $8.52
C135 (135 CID) Gas / LP Tractors: 330, 340, 404, 2404; Com­bines: 91; Crawlers: T-340; T-5, TC-5, 500; Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    7352014 $8.52
C146 (146 CID) Gas / LP Tractors: 424, 2424, 2424 Lo-Boy; Crawlers: 500, 500C; Sprayers: 660, 770, 780 4 cylinder, 3.375" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    7352014 $8.52
C152 (152 CID) Gas, Early Tractors: H, HV, Thru 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, Thru 33339; Power Units: U4 4 cylinder, 3.375" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    745197DD $9.23
C152 (152 CID) Gas, Late Tractors: H, HV, After 391357; I-4, O-4, OS-4, W-4, After 33339; Power Units: U4 4 cylinder, 3.375" bore    
Exhaust Manifold Stud  6. required  7682840 $4.73
Manifold Washer  4 required  743753D $22.71
Manifold Gasket Set    745197DD $9.23
C153 (153 CID) Gas / LP Tractors: 444, 504, 2444, 2500, 2504, 3514; Combines: 93, 105, 203; Forklifts: 4000; Windrowers: 210, 225, 230, 275, 375 4 cylinder, 3.375" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    7352014 $8.52
C157 (157 CID) Gas / LP Tractors: Gear Drive 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B; Fork­lifts: 4500B 4 cylinder, 3.375" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    7530682 $38.45

Your Cost
C164 (164 CID) Gas Tractors: Super H, Super HV, Super I-4, Super W-4; Power Units: U164 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore    
Exhaust Manifold Stud  6. required  7682840 $4.73
Manifold Washer  4 required  743753D $22.71
Manifold Gasket Set    745197DD $9.23
C169 / C175 (175 CID) Gas / LP, sleeved Tractors: 300 (C169 engine); 350 (C175 engine); Combines: 140; Power Units: U169, U175 4 cylinder, 3.625" bore    
Exhaust Manifold Stud  6. required  7682840 $4.73
Manifold Washer  4 required  743753D $22.71
Manifold Gasket Set    745197DD $9.23
C175 (175 CID) Gas / LP, sleeve­ less Tractors: Hydrostatic 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B; 464, 3400A, 3514; Wheel Loaders: Early 100; Windrowers: 375 4 cylinder, 3.5625" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set   7530682 $38.45
D188 (188 CID) Diesel Tractors: 504 Farmall; 504, 2504 International; 2500 Constructall; 3514 Series 4 cylinder, 3.6875" bore    
Manifold Stud  1-7/8" x 3/8", 7. required  5A59077 $15.03
Exhaust Manifold Nut  7. required  739524DA $5.72
220. (220 CID) Gas Tractors: Farmall F20, Fairway 20; Combines: 7. Hillside, 10 Prairie, 11 Prairie; Crawlers: T-20; Power Units: U7 4 cylinder, 3.750" bore, years 1932-1939    
Manifold Gasket    RP341485 $31.04
C221 (221 CID) Gas / LP, sleeve­ less Combines: 205, 303, 315 6. cylinder, 3.5625" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    RP341198 $41.53
D236 (236 CID) Diesel Tractors: 460 Thru ESN 5610; Com­bines: 101 Thru ESN 11027 6. cylinder, 3.6875" bore    
Manifold Stud  1-7/8" x 3/8", 10 required  5A59077 $15.03
Exhaust Manifold Nut  10 required  739524DA $5.72
Manifold Gasket Set    RP341342 $23.09
D236 (236 CID) Diesel Tractors: 606, 2606, 3616, After ESN 13754; Combines: 315 6. cylinder, 3.6875" bore    
Manifold Stud  1-7/8" x 3/8", 10 required  5A59077 $15.03
Exhaust Manifold Nut  10 required  739524DA $5.72
DT239 (239 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbo- charged Crawlers: TD-8E; Wheel Loaders: 125E; Other Construction Equip­ment 4 cylinder, 3.875" bore    
Turbocharger  remanu- factured, AiResearch model TB4111, replaces TO420  73144627 $1,385.22 1,206.81
C248 (248 CID) Gas, Early Tractors: I-6 Thru 35599; M, MV, Thru 278049; O-6, OS-6, W-6, Thru 35463; Power Units: Early IU6, U6 4 cylinder, 3.875" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    746173DC $9.47
C248 (248 CID) Gas, Late Crawlers: T-6 After 7610; Power Units: Late IU6, U6 4 cylinder, 3.875" bore    
Exhaust Manifold Stud  6. required  7682840 $4.73
Manifold Washer  4 required  743753D $22.71
Manifold Gasket Set    746173DC $9.47
C263 (263 CID) Gas / LP, sleeve­ less Combines: 403, 615; Cotton Pickers: 414, 416, 420, 422, After ESN 40551; Forage Harvesters: 50 6. cylinder, 3.5625" bore    
Manifold Gasket Set    RP341198 $41.53

Your Cost
C264 (264 CID) Gas / LP, Thru 163807 Tractors: Super M, Super W6; 400, W400, Thru 31239; Crawlers: Early T-6 (61 Series); Power Units: U264 4 cylinder, 4.000" bore -
Exhaust Manifold Stud - 7682840 $4.73
Manifold Gasket Set - 746173DC $9.47
C264, C281 (281 CID) Gas / LP, C264 After 163807 Tractors: 400, W400, After 31239; 450, W450; Crawlers: Late T-6 (61 Series) 4 cylinder, 4.125" bore -
Exhaust Manifold Stud - 7682840 $4.73
Manifold Washer - 743753D $22.71
Manifold Gasket Set - 746173DC $9.47
D282 (282 CID) Diesel Tractors: 560 Thru ESN 6765; 660 Thru ESN 4369 6. cylinder, 3.6875" bore, .875" piston pin -
Manifold Stud 1-7/8" x 3/8", 10 required 5A59077 $15.03
Exhaust Manifold Nut 10 required 739524DA $5.72
Manifold Gasket Set - RP341342 $23.09
Your Cost
D282 / DT282 (282 CID) Diesel, Naturally Aspirated / Turbo- charged Tractors: 560, 660, ESN 44822- 71777; 656, 706, 2656, 2706, After ESN 44822; 3800, 3850, After ESN 71777; Combines: 403, 615, After ESN 44821; Cotton Pickers: 414, 420, ESN 44822-71819; 416, 422, After ESN 44822; Crawlers: TD-6 (62 Series) After ESN 2XXX; TD-9B After ESN 6903 6. cylinder, 3.6875" bore, 1.125" piston pin -
Manifold Stud 1-7/8" x 3/8", 10 required 5A59077 $15.03
284 (284 CID) Gas Tractors: Industrial 20, 10-20, Far­mall F30, I30, W30; Power Units: P30 4 cylinder, 4.250" bore, years 1924-1939 -
Manifold Gasket - RP341512 $80.61
D301 (301 CID) Diesel Combines: 403, 403. Hillside; Early 453 Hillside; 503; 715 Thru 23000 6. cylinder, 3.8125" bore -
Manifold Stud 1-7/8" x 3/8", 10 required 5A59077 $15.03
Your Cost
D312 (312 CID) Diesel Tractors: 666, 686, Hydro 70, Hydro 86 6. cylinder, 3.875" bore -
Exhaust Manifold Stud 12 required 7682840 $4.73
Exhaust Manifold Washer 12 required 7684034 $5.80
Manifold Gasket exhaust, 6. required 71809784 $3.93
D360 (360 CID) Diesel Tractors: 766; 886 Thru 14471; Combines: Late 453 Hillside; Log Skidders: S8A; Wheel Loaders: 515, H60E 6. cylinder, 3.875" bore -
Exhaust Manifold Stud 12 required 7682840 $4.73
Exhaust Manifold Washer 12 required 7684034 $5.80
Manifold Gasket exhaust, 6. required 71809784 $3.93
D361 (361 CID) Diesel Tractors: 806, 2806. 6. cylinder, 4.125" bore .
Manifold Gasket Set 6. required 7670848 $18.14
DT361 (361 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1206, 21206; Crawlers: Early TD-15B; Scrapers: Early E200 6. cylinder, 4.125" bore -
Turbocharger remanu- factured, Schwitzer model 3LD-229, conversion kit is required if current turbo­charger is a Solair 749305R $1,152.24
Turbocharger Gasket oil drain 7341464 $3.92 3.32
Manifold Gasket Set 6. required 7670848 $18.14

Your Cost
D407 / DT407 (407 CID) Diesel, Naturally Aspirated / Turbo- charged Tractors: 856, 1026, 1256, 2856, 21026, 21256; Combines: 815 Thru 8000; Crawlers: Late TD-15B 6. cylinder, 4.321" bore, 1.500" piston pin - -
Turbocharger remanu- factured, Schwitzer model 3LD-229, Tractors: 1026, 1256, 21026, 21256; Crawl­ers: TD15B 749305R $1,152.24
Turbocharger Gasket mounting, turbocharger to manifold - - 7670035 $7.48
Manifold Gasket Set 6. required - - 7670848 $18.14
DT407 (407 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1456, 21456; Combines: 915 Thru 8000; Payloggers: S11A; Scrapers: Late E200 6. cylinder, 4.321" bore, 1.625" piston pin - -
Turbocharger remanu- factured, Schwitzer model 3LD-229, Tractors: 1456, 21456 749305R $1,152.24
Turbocharger remanu- factured, Schwitzer model 3LD-279, Combines: 915 After 2349 7749310R $1,182.82
Turbocharger Gasket mounting, turbocharger to manifold 7670035 $7.48
Manifold Gasket Set 6. required 7670848 $18.14
Your Cost
D414 (414 CID) Diesel Tractors: 966; Combines: Late 815 After 8000 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore - -
Exhaust Manifold Stud 12 required 7682840 $4.73
Exhaust Manifold Washer 12 required 7684034 $5.80
Your Cost
DT414 (414 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1066 Gear Drive; Early 1066 Hydro; 1086; Combines: Late 915 After 8000 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore - -
Turbocharger new, AiResearch model TO4B18 7749267 $555.93
Turbocharger Gasket mounting, turbocharger to manifold NR89879 $6.27
Turbocharger Gasket oil inlet 71342834 $2.82
Turbocharger Gasket oil drain 71342827 $2.81
Turbocharger Drain Hose - 7675859 $10.48
Exhaust Sleeve turbocharger to exhaust elbow, Tractors: 1086 7107594 $136.73
Exhaust Sleeve turbocharger to exhaust elbow, Tractors: 1066; Combines: 915 After 2349 7675317 $103.65
Exhaust Sleeve Sealing Rings 2 required 7702299 $15.72
Exhaust Elbow Tractors: 1086 7103980 $159.78
Exhaust Elbow Tractors: 1066; Combines: 915 After 2349 7675316 $117.39
Exhaust Manifold Stud 12 required 7682840 $4.73
Your Cost
DT429 (429 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 4100, 4156; Crawlers: TD- 20B; Power Units: UDT429; Wheel Loaders: 250, 250B, H70F 6. cylinder, 4.500" bore - -
Turbocharger Gasket mounting, turbocharger to manifold NR89879 $6.27
Turbocharger Gasket oil inlet 71342834 $2.82
D436 (436 CID) Diesel Tractors: 986; Late 1066 Hydro; 100 Hydro, 186 Hydro, 3688; Combines: 1440. 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore - -
Exhaust Manifold Stud 12 required 7682840 $4.73
Exhaust Manifold Washer 12 required 7684034 $5.80
DT436 (436 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged Tractors: 1466, 1486, 1566, 1586, 3388, 4166, 4186, 5088, 6388; Com­bines: 1460; 1480. Thru 24000 - 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore - -
Turbocharger new, AiResearch model TO4B18 7749267 $555.93
Turbocharger Gasket mounting, turbocharger to manifold NR89879 $6.27
Turbocharger Gasket oil inlet 71342834 $2.82
Turbocharger Gasket oil drain  71342827 $2.81
Turbocharger Drain Hose -  7675859 $10.48
Exhaust Sleeve turbocharger to exhaust elbow, Tractors: 1486, 1586  7107594 $136.73
Exhaust Sleeve turbocharger to exhaust elbow, Tractors: 1466, 1566, 4166, 4186; Combines: 1460, 1480.  7675317 $103.65
Exhaust Sleeve Sealing Rings 2 required  7702299 $15.72
Exhaust Elbow Tractors: 1486, 1586  7103980 $159.78
Exhaust Elbow Tractors: 1466, 1566, 4166, 4186; Combines: 1460, 1480.  7675316 $117.39
Exhaust Manifold Stud 12 required  7682840 $4.73

Your Cost
DT466 / Early DT466B & DT466C (466 CID) Diesel Tractors: 3588, 3788, 4366, 4386, 5288; Early 5488; 6588, 6788; Combines: 1470; 1480. After 24000; Crawlers: TD-15C; Wheel Loaders: Dresser 540 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore, DT466, DTI466, DT466B Thru 193854; DTI466B , DT466C Thru 440035; DTI466C Thru 439617
Turbocharger new, Schwitzer model 3LM-466, replaces 7735270 $893.70 remanu- factured  7691409 $729.68
Turbocharger remanu- factured, AiResearch model TO4B25  7735270 $893.70
Turbocharger Gasket  mounting, turbocharger to manifold  NR89879 $6.27
Turbocharger Gasket oil inlet  71342834 $2.82
Turbocharger Gasket -  71342827 $2.81
Exhaust Sleeve turbocharger to exhaust elbow, Tractors: 4366, 4386  7675317 $103.65
Exhaust Sleeve Sealing Rings 2 required  7702299 $15.72
Exhaust Elbow Tractors: 4366, 4386  7675316 $117.39
DT466B / DT466C / DTI466C (466 CID) Diesel, Thru ESN 532980 Tractors: Late 5488, 7288, 7488; Combines: Late 1480; Early 1660, 1680; Cotton Pickers: Early 1844; Wheel Loaders: Dresser 540 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore, DT466B After 193854, DT466C 440036-532980, DTI466C 439618-532980  
Turbocharger new, Schwitzer model 3LM-466, replaces 7735270 $893.70 remanu- factured  7691409 $729.68
Turbocharger remanu- factured, AiResearch model TO4B25  7735270 $893.70
Turbocharger Gasket mounting, turbocharger to manifold  NR89879 $6.27
Turbocharger Gasket oil inlet  71342834 $2.82
Turbocharger Gasket oil drain  71342827 $2.81
I530P (530 CID) Diesel, CC6.87 / T6.87 Perkins Tractors: 9675, 9695, 9815 Allis Chalmers 6. cylinder, 4.590" bore, (8.7L), PLN (pump line nozzles injection system) - -
Intake Manifold Gasket -  31817510 $66.61
DV550B After 15858 / DV550C (550 CID) Diesel Tractors: 1468, 1568 8 cylinder, 4.500" bore -  
Exhaust Manifold Gasket Set -  7259117 $25.37

Oil Pumps & Oil Coolers

When rebuilding an engine, don’t forget to make sure you have a new or remanu- factured oil pump to go with your overhaul kit. Keep that engine clean and cool with our oil pumps and oil coolers.
In This Section:
Oil pumps, oil pump tubes, oil coolers, oil cooler
gaskets, oil filters, and oil filter gaskets

Your Cost
C60 (60 CID) Gas Tractors: Farmall Cub; International Cub Thru ESN 264567; Cub Lo-Boy; Combines: 64; Balers: 50AW, 50T, 55T, 55W; Power Units: U1 4 cylinder, 2.625" bore
Oil Pump Repair Kit 2 gears, 1 key, 1 gasket RP641166 $553.15
Oil Pressure Regulator Spring - 7251401 $21.63
Oil Pressure Relief Valve - 7251400 $40.25
Your Cost
C113 (113 CID) / C123 (123 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: A, AV, B, BN, C, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240; Super A, Super AV, Super A-1, Super AV-1, Super C; Balers: 55T, 55W, 56T, 56W, 57T, 57W; Combines: 64, 76; Crawlers: T-4; Windrowers: 161, 163, except with block 354898R1-R4 4 cylinder, 3.000" bore (C113), 3.125" bore (C123)
Oil Pump Repair Kit 1.490" gears, 352085R91-R94 oil pump, housing marked 6069DX RP641165 #VALUE!
Your Cost
C135 (135 CID) Gas & LP, Thru 100500 Tractors: 330, 340; Combines: 91; Crawlers: T-340 Thru ESN 100500; T-5, TC-5, 500; Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder, 3.250" bore
Oil Pump Repair Kit 1.490" gears, 352085R91-R94 oil pump, housing marked 6069DX RP641165 #VALUE!
BD144, BD144A, BD144C (144 CID) Diesel Tractors: B250, B275, B276, 354, 434, 2300; Crawlers: TD-5 Series, 500 Series; Windrowers: 201 4 cylinder, 3.375" bore
Oil Pump After ESN 17288 73043131 $212.60
BD154, BD154C, BD154T (154 CID) Diesel Tractors: 364, 384, B414, 424, 444, 2424, 2444, 3414, 3444; Combines: 93; Crawlers: 500; Forklifts: 7000 4 cylinder, 3.500" bore
Oil Pump - 73043131 $212.60
D155 (155 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 385; 385, 395 Case-IH; Crawlers: 500C 3 cylinder, 3.875" bore
Oil Pump - 73136429 $426.66
C157 (157 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: Gear Drive 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B; Fork­lifts: 4500B 4 cylinder, 3.375" bore
Oil Pump with screen 7398073 $413.46
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
D166 (166 CID) Diesel Tractors: 340; Crawlers: TD-340 4 cylinder, 3.6875" bore
Oil Pump with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
Your Cost
C175 (175 CID) Gas & LP, sleeve­ less Tractors: Hydrostatic 454, 2400A, 2400B, 2405B, 2410B, 2412B; 464, 3400A, 3514; Wheel Loaders: Early 100; Windrowers: 375 4 cylinder, 3.5625" bore
Oil Pump with screen 7398073 $413.46
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
D179 (179 CID)
Diesel, Neuss
Tractors: 380B Case IH; 454, 464,
484, 485, 495, 553, 2400A, 3220,
3400A; Forklifts: 4500
3 cylinder, 3.875" bore - -
Oil Pump - 73136429 $426.66
D188 (188 CID) Diesel Tractors: 504 Farmall; 504, 2504 International, 2500 Constructall, 3514 Series 4 cylinder, 3.6875" bore
Oil Pump use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
C200 (200 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 544, 574, 674, 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 2544, 3500A; Forklifts: 8000; Wheel Load­ers: Late 100 4 cylinder, 3.8125" bore
Oil Pump with screen 7398073 $413.46
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
Your Cost
D206 (206 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 584, 585, 595, 624, 654, 3230; Combines: 105; Crawlers: TD- 7; Wheel Loaders: 100; Windrowers: 275, 375 4 cylinder, 3.875" bore
Oil Pump Tractor 584, 585, 595, 624, 654, 3230; inter­nal, 30mm width 73136430 $267.70
Oil Pump Windrower 275, 275; internal 73136431 $630.99
C221 (221 CID) Gas & LP, sleeveless Combines: 205, 303, 315 6. cylinder, 3.5625" bore
Oil Pump use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
C221 (221 CID) Gas & LP, Thru ESN 35093, step head piston Tractors: 460, 606 ,2606, 3616; Power Units: U221 6. cylinder, 3.5625" bore
Oil Pump Tractors 460; use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump Tractors 606, 2606, 3616; with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD, Late style RP641148 $144.49
Your Cost
D236 (236 CID) Diesel Tractors: 460, 606, 2606, 3616; Combines: 101, 315 6. cylinder, 3.6875" bore
Oil Pump use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD, Late style RP641148 $144.49
D239 (239 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 514, 544, 574, 664, 674, 684, 685, 695, 2500, 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B, 2544, 3500A, 3514, 4210; Backhoes: 250A, 260A; Crawlers: TD-7E, TD-8C; Wheel Loaders:100E, 125, 125C; Windrow­ers: 4000, 5000, 5500 4 cylinder, 3.875" bore
Oil Pump Tractors 514, 544, 664, 2544, 3500A, 3514; Backhoes 260A; external mount 73136434 $512.84
Oil Pump Tractors: 574, 674, 684, 685, 695, 724, 824, 2500, 4210; Backhoes 250A, Windrowers 4000, 5000, 5500; internal, 30mm width 73136430 $267.70
Oil Pump - -
- internal; Tractors: 2500A, 2500B, 2505B, 2510B, 2514B; Crawlers: TD-7E; Loaders: 100E 73136431 $630.99
Your Cost
DT239 (239 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbo- charged Crawlers: TD-8E; Wheel Loaders: 125E; Other Construction Equip­ment 4 cylinder, 3.875" bore
Oil Pump internal 73136431 $630.99
D246 (246 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: Hydro 84, 784, 844 Cana­da; Crawlers: T-6 Thru 7610 4 cylinder, 100mm bore
Oil Pump internal, 30mm width 73136430 $267.70
C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeveless Combines: 403; Cotton Pickers: 414, 416, 420, 422, After ESN 40551; Forage Harvesters: 50 6. cylinder, 3.5625" bore
Oil Pump Combines:; use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump Cotton Pickers, Forage Harvesters; with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
Your Cost
C263 (263 CID) Gas & LP, sleeved Tractors: 560, 656, 660; Early 706; 2656; Early 2706; 3800, 3850; Cotton Pickers: 414, 420. After ESN 25963; 416, 422; Crawlers: T-6 (62 Series) 6. cylinder, 3.5625" bore
Oil Pump Thru 32242; use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump After 32242; with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD, Late style RP641148 $144.49
Your Cost
BD264 (264 CID) Gas & LP, BG265 Combines: 151, 151 Hillside, 181; Cotton Pickers: 414, 420; Graders: Gallion, Michigan; Wheel Loaders: Hough, Michigan 6. cylinder, 3.6875" bore
Oil Pump with solid screen, Late high volume type 7379138 $348.82
D268 (268 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 884, 885, 895, 995, 4230, 4240; Backhoes: 270A; Crawlers: TD-8C; Payloaders: 510. 4 cylinder, 100mm bore
Oil Pump internal, 30mm width 73136430 $267.70
DT268 (268 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbo- charged Tractors: 995, 4240 4 cylinder, 100mm bore
Oil Pump internal, 30mm width 73136430 $267.70
D282 (282 CID) Diesel, .875" pin, wide flange liner Tractors: 560, 656, 660, 706, 2656, 2706, 3800, 3850; Combines: 151, 151HS, 181, 403, 615; Cotton Pick­ers: 214, 214A, 220, 220A, 414, 416, 420, 422; Crawlers: TD-6 (62 Series), TD-9-92, TD-9B 6. cylinder, 3.6875" bore
Oil Pump use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD, Late style RP641148 $144.49
Your Cost
C291 (291 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: Late 706, 2706; Hydro 70, Hydro 86, 666, 686, 756, 766, 2756; Cotton Pickers: 616, 622; Forklifts: 9000 6. cylinder, 3.750" bore
Oil Pump with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
C301 (301 CID) Gas & LP Tractors: 806, 2806, 826, 2826, 856, 2856; Combines: 453 Hillside, 715; Cotton Pickers: 616, 622 6. cylinder, 3.8125" bore
Oil Pump Tractors, Cotton Pickers; with solid screen 7379138 $348.82
Oil Pump Combines; use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Your Cost
D301 (301 CID) Diesel Combines: 403, 403. Hillside; Early 453 Hillside; 503; 715 Thru 23000 Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
6. cylinder, 3.8125" bore
Oil Pump use with floating screen 7230421 $359.94
Oil Pump Repair Kit 10 tooth, 1.555" gear OD RP641148 $144.49
D310 (310 CID) Diesel, Neuss Tractors: 686, Late 706, 756, Late 2706, 2756, Hydro 86; Combines: 751; Cotton Pickers: 616, 622, 782; Cotton Harvester: 95; Forklifts: 9000; Pay Logger: S9A 6. cylinder, 3.875" bore
Oil Pump except below; external mount 73136434 $512.84
Oil Pump Combines: 715; Cotton Pickers 616, 622; internal mount 73136433 $446.12
D312 (312 CID) Diesel Tractors: 666, 686, Hydro 70, Hydro 86 6. cylinder, 3.875" bore
Oil Pump 1.00" rotor width 71802666 $128.63
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Pump O-Ring - 7675860 $4.70
Oil Pump Intake Tube Gasket - 7671821 $1.32
Oil Pressure Regulator - 7680237 $300.17
Oil Cooler remanu- factured 7735259R $1,141.12
Oil Cooler oil cooler, head, bolts, seals RP641185 $1,202.28
Oil Filter Base Gasket - 7675398 $3.20
D358 (358 CID) Diesel, Neuss 6. cylinder, 3.875" bore
Oil Pump Tractors 786, 826, 886, 2826; Cotton 782, 1400; external mount
Oil Pump Tractors 3088, 3288; Combines: 1420, 1620, 3288; internal mount
DT358 (358 CID) Diesel, Neuss, Turbo- charged 6. cylinder, 3.875" bore
73136432 $615.70
D360 (360 CID) Diesel 6. cylinder, 3.875" bore
1.00" rotor width -
- - 7675364 $101.15
- - 7675860 $4.70
- - 7671821 $1.32
- - 7680237 $300.17
oil cooler, head, bolts, seals -
remanu- factured -
- 7675398 $3.20
DT361 (361 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged 6. cylinder, 4.125" bore
remanu- factured -
Oil Pickup Tube Gasket - 7332549 $7.19
D407, DT407 (407 CID) Diesel, 1.500" piston pin diameter, Naturally Aspirated / Turbo- charged 6. cylinder, 4.321" bore
DT407, remanu- factured -
- 7332549 $7.19
D414 (414 CID) Diesel 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore
Oil Pump 1.00" rotor width
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Pressure Regulator - 7680237 $300.17
with gaskets -
DT414 (414 CID) Diesel, Turbo­ charged 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore
1.00" rotor width -
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Pressure Regulator - 7680237 $300.17
Oil Cooler with gaskets
D436 (436 CID) Diesel 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore
Oil Pump 1.00" rotor width
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Pressure Regulator - 7680237 $300.17
Oil Cooler with gaskets
DT436 (436 CID) Diesel, Turbo- charged 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore
1.00" rotor width -
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Pressure Regulator - 7680237 $300.17
Oil Cooler with gaskets
D466 (466 CID) Diesel, Naturally Aspirated 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore
1.00" rotor width -
1.25" rotor width, After ESN 57803 -
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Pressure Regulator - 7680237 $300.17
with gaskets
Your Cost
DT466 / DT466B / DT466C (466 CID) Diesel 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore
Oil Pump 1.00" rotor width, Thru 466775
Oil Pump Drive Gear 1.25" rotor width, After 466775
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Pressure Regulator - 7680237 $300.17
with gaskets 71810171K $579.85
DT466 (466 CID) Diesel, PLN, ESN After 888340 6. cylinder, 4.3005" bore, PLN (pump line nozzles injection system)
Oil Pump - 31822326 $1,209.23
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Cooler - 31815904 $415.54
Oil Cooler Installation Kit - 31823182 $59.69
I530P (530 CID) Diesel, CC6.87 & T6.87 Perkins 6. cylinder, 4.590" bore, (8.7L), PLN (pump line nozzles injection system)
Oil Pump - 31822390 $1,668.00
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Cooler - 31815904 $415.54
Oil Cooler Installation Kit - 31823182 $59.69
Your Cost
I530E (530 CID) Diesel, Thru 1194038 6. cylinder, 4.590" bore, HEUI (Hydraulically Actuated Electronically Activated Unit Injectors)
Oil Pump - 31822390 $1,668.00
Oil Pump Drive Gear - 7675364 $101.15
Oil Cooler - 31815904 $415.54
Oil Cooler Installation Kit - 31823182 $59.69

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